
History Of Abnormal Psychology : Ancient Greek Times

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History of Abnormal Psychology: Ancient Greek Times to the Early 1900’s
Tayler Horton Abnormal Psychology has been in existence far longer than many are aware. It dates back before ancient Greek times. Although it has been in existence for such an extensive time, the history discussed in this particular paper will only go back until the Greek times (around 800 BCE) and will only cover up until the beginning of the 1900’s. During this time period, we see Abnormal Psychology grow as a field of its own. Around 800 BCE, mental illness is beginning to be viewed under a more scientific perspective. Despite this, theories regarding mystical explanations remained powerful in society, and eventually broke down the scientific approach. This is around the time that Homer lived, and he believed that mental illness was caused by God’s taking an individual’s mind away. Also during this time, it was believe that a renowned physician, Asclepius, developed several forms of treatment, and eventually was revered as a god of healing.
The basis of a systemic approach to psychological and physical disorders is considered to have begun with early Greek philosophers. Hippocrates (460 – 377 B.C.) wrote several papers describing psychological disorders such as psychosis, mania, phobias, and paranoia. He theorized that “four humors” or bodily fluids were responsible for both physical and mental health. These four important bodily fluids were: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, and blood. He argued

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