
History of Islam

Decent Essays

Islam is the second most practiced religion in the world with 1.5 billion followers worldwide. With six million people practicing Islam in America, it is one of the fastest growing religions in this country. However, since the September 11th terrorist attacks of 2001 the Islamic religion has been under much scrutiny publically in America. Many people who practice this religion have been subjected to discrimination as well as verbal and physical attacks by fellow Americans. However a high level of scrutiny is not a foreign concept to Muslims in America as they have struggled for acceptance in this country for centuries acquiring many highs as well as lows. In this paper I will analyze the image of Muslims in America’s history and how …show more content…

The earliest documented migration of Muslims came in the mid to late 19th century. The 1860’s saw the first wave of Muslims entering the United States as they migrated from Syria and Lebanon. Two reasons for this migration were to escape joining the Turkish army which many Muslims did not believe connected to their national identities and also for the pursuit of wealth by chasing the American dream. Many Muslims had seen Christians come to their homelands after living in America with more money which enabled them to provide a better life for their families. A second rush of Muslim immigrants came during World War I when the land of Lebanon was destroyed causing many to flee the land for fear of their safety. America was seen as a haven where they could earn money to rebuild their homes back in their homeland, however the task was not as easy as once believed. Many Muslims workers had to overcome language barriers as well as a lack of education. Another struggle to add were the prejudices they dealt with in the new land “Americans of those decades certainly had little enthusiasm for foreigners, especially those whose customs seemed strange and whose religion was not Christian (Smith, 1999, p.54).” There was much discrimination towards them; neither schools nor businesses would cater to the practices of their religion such as daily prayer and the celebration of Islamic holidays. If they chose to fast during Ramadan these places would

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