
Hochwald Gap Analysis

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During World War Two, Canadians distinguished themselves on the home front, in the air, at sea, and in the battles spread all across Europe. They distinguished themselves in battles such as Juno Beach and Ortona. Juno Beach shows the great middle power known as Canada and Ortona shows the great Canadian Ingenuity. But, neither of those battles were the most important or most significant to the future of Canada. The battle of Hochwald Gap was more important to Canadians because, it showed that Canadians although being a middle power could perform just as well as the Superpowers. The battle shows the greatness of Canadian leadership, how great the Canadian troops were, and how greatly it affected Canada. The operation of this battle, Operation …show more content…

That said, they had ten times the number of tanks, and like Stalin said “Quantity is a quality all itself”. (Russ,2011) There were three major things that went wrong for Canadians in the battle. The first was it started raining cancelling out any chance of air support and turning everything into mud, furthermore the Germans broke the dams and flooded the fields making it incredibly difficult to move and utilize tanks. Another thing that went wrong was that the Germans were able to make tank traps and killzones to obliterate large numbers of tanks and troops. Some of the tank traps included trenches that tanks couldn’t cross which consequently made them go down small narrow paths, then anti- tank guns fired from a distance and took out the first and last tank in the line, all the rest were sitting ducks waiting for their demise.*VIDEO INFO*. The Germans of the Rhineland battles fought much harder against all other forces as they had their backs against their countries borders and most fought with the sentimentality of “ I’d rather die and take as many of them as I can then become a prisoner.” this caused for tricks like pretending to surrender then machine gunning the Canadians who came out of cover. Throughout all of the Rhineland campaign 40,000 Germans lay died and 230,000 were taken prisoner.(No Author,2011) Once it was all said and done this battle had become the most ravaging battle on Canadians and for the soldiers it was more of a “Thank God it’s over” than a “we won!!”. This battle impacted Canadians greatly because it was the homestretch into Germany and although we had the weather, the terrain,superior tanks,incredibly hostile German troops and trap after agonizing trap, we still won. Therefore this showed how the Middle power Canadian troops could compete with the Superpowers and claim victory with so much stacked against them, and so many

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