Journal 3:
Concerning Hofstadter's idea of the “paranoid style,” I believe there is still some relevance in relation to our modern day, political atmosphere. From reading this piece, I perceived that, perhaps the most prominent tendency of “paranoids,” is to blame defeat, failures, and negative outcomes on scapegoats who may or may not have way less impact on our government, politics and country than what the “paranoids” essentially claim. This can be seen when McCarthy blamed an entire period of failure and recession on John Marshall. Still today, people blame our country’s problems on foreign entities, but perhaps not on as large and significant scales. Currently, there is a faction in the United States that blames the outcome (with a negative connotation) of the 2017 Presidential Election on Russia and their interference. Whether this is true or not, it is still a conspiracy that places blame on someone other than our own people. On a deeper level, America, Americans, and smaller factions in America, in more recent times, have not routinely attributed our downfalls, defeats and political issues on groups trying to supposedly infiltrate and take over our government from the inside out. Rather, if I understand correctly, we tend to criticize and blame our politicians and leaders for their own downfalls and
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I feel like I, as a student have adjusted to the atmosphere and academic expectations of the class from what I was normally used to. Progress wise, I believe the instruction has been more than sufficient and helpful. I appreciate all the mechanical help and lessons on the key elements and components in our paragraphs and essays, for instance, how to successfully and technically construct a paragraph in an essay. I also appreciate how our class resembles and incorporates parts of the socratic method, in which we all closely read and consider a piece and discuss the meaning, our perspectives and analyze key
Hofstadter employs a scholastic tone by incorporating academic diction into his essay, to establish credibility when discussing paranoia and its roots in American politics. When examining paranoia, Hofstadter argues that it establishes a “greater affinity for bad causes than good” (Hofstadter 77). Through this phrase, and the language Hofstadter applies, it can be concluded that the intended audience for this piece is intellectuals. The author’s diction and tone identify Hofstadter’s belief of paranoia doing little to spark progressive change in America, but rather hindering the development of policies and activities which would combat real problems.
I enjoyed that the class discussed a topic to an extent, which allowed me to research and learn the material on my own. It is not that I did not learn anything in the class, it is that the class was able to give me the push that a baby bird needs to learn how to fly. Through this method, I have succeeded the best way compared to other methods. I enjoy this approach because it allows me to make a decision for myself. I always have thought that in life, if an individual genuinely wants something realistically, they would give it their all to achieve their goals. If an individual puts themselves down by telling themselves that they are not capable of accomplishing their goal, they will never able to complete them. Therefore, the ones who truly desires something and invests time and effort, that individual will have the desired substance. I found that the class had a similar feeling to this because I was given a choice, and I loved it. Through these boundless choices, I was able to fully disclose my ability to write. I found that the less I had to restrict what I could write, I put less effort into it and I had a worser quality of writing.
Paranoia is the act of feeling as though someone is out to harm you. During the Cold War much of humanity was stricken with paranoia. The fear of the unknown and the suspicion of an USSR communism attack left the American citizens ravaged with terror. This caused many to make rash and impulsive decisions. Those infected by paranoia would never be the same again, it caused a shift in the way lives were lived.
In her introduction to Real Enemies, Kathryn Olmsted argues that the ways in which conspiracy theories were thought about in America changed significantly in the 20th century. More specifically, Olmsted pins down World War One as the 'watershed' moment which, she claims, marks the time the American government gained enough power to enable them to carry out real conspiracies against its citizens. It is thought that, before this point in history, American citizens felt vulnerable and subject to ‘alien subversion’ in which a foreign other was set to attack and invade the American government and use it for their own devices. However, Olmsted effectively uses Richard Hofstadter's framework of the paranoid style to extend her own theories about
Postman then goes on to acknowledges that there are several different places that exist in the world where the totalitarianism of thought control exists. Another well-known author named George Orwell describes this in his fantastically written book ‘1984’. Postman does not see America that way…in the way that Orwell viewed America. As an alternative, Postman believes that America is actually threatened by “an enemy with a
I tried to other outcomes to what I have mastered or at least made a small advancement towards in this class besides my vocabulary choices and a better sense of illustration. Maybe a better sense of organization and writing integrity could be added to better research methods. I would love to say there is more to my outcomes of this class but for me, these improvements are a really good step to a better writing
The past two semesters were great experiences. Within this past school year my knowledge as a reader and writer has improved. It felt like it was just yesterday, when I had a lot of difficulty writing and poor reading strategies. Now, as I said before, I am an improved writer and reader. The assignments and class activities over the two semesters were great benefits to me, and helped me make progress towards the first year learning goals.
Hofstadter, an American historian and public intellectual of the mid-20th century states in the essay “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” that the paranoid style is the most influential factor in american politics. In most of the chapters, Hofstadter explains how American politics have developed into the paranoid style throughout the history by providing examples. He claims that this style can impact larger groups and some individuals can seem out of proportion with actual political issues. People who are interested in politics and wonder about the hidden secrets of the government would be interested in reading this essay.
I have really enjoyed being in this English class. Just like the warning we got in the very beginning, there has been a lot of writing. It was good for me though. I took English 101 over the summer, but found I had quite a bit of writer’s block. It was hard for me to get any kind of energy to write. I found that interesting because I feel like I like writing is something that is enjoyable to me. With this class, the activities put forth, meant to help us get the writing gears moving, really worked for me.
It was my first writing class as a college freshmen and I did not know what to expect, like whether or not the class would be harder compared to what I took in high school or even if I would enjoy taking class. But as soon as day one turned in into week one, than soon week fifteen I felt more comfortable in the class than what I have probably felt in the beginning. I felt like I could write anything my professor threw at me, because through writing I could express my individuality. It gives me the freedom to express myself through words, and write about things I felt passionate about writing about. I felt as though I writing because I wanted to, and less because I was assigned to do so.
AP Language and Composition was not the easiest course I have ever taken, but it was definitely the most beneficial. At the beginning of the course I was not the best writer. However, as the year went on I gradually learned how to correctly type college level essays. It took many trial and errors to get to the level of writing I am at now, but now my writing is better than it has ever been. On top of Mr. Hamilton successfully teaching me how to write, I also learned that it is very important to have good time management and to be able to finish homework on time. When I was not finishing my homework I would become lost in every group discussions. As the year went on, I began to sit down and do my homework thoroughly every night. Once I started doing that the course started to become less difficult for me. This class is still going to be a difficult, the only difference is whether a student is willing to put in the work it takes to make it a little less stressful than it is. While this class was extremely stressful and time-consuming, I am grateful that I was able to learn the lessons I did before I went off to
Overall this process has been quite therapeutic and I luckily I was given the chance to just write. In the future, I’m not sure where my writing will take me, I might consider starting a blog and taking pictures. I think I would enjoy putting my opinions and voice out in public. This class has been amazing and it’s only the beginning. At the start of this class I was unsure if I would enjoy creative writing, but it has given me a positive outlook and I’m excited to see where life takes
When I first started the class I was struggling a lot. Since English is my second language, I had many stressful moments that made me think about dropping my classes. But when I thought about my future, I just kept studying even harder, waiting for my performance to improve. As a result, I felt like every time I wrote an essay, it got easier, which tells me that I’m on the right path. In addition, this class has helped me improve my grammar, taught me an important life lesson about sticking on my goal and helped me to enhance my computer skills
Over the semester I have been challenged and intrigued over and over by the content of this course and the professor, who thought I could develop a fairly strong paper if it was not for all my grammatical errors. It has been a very enlightening and enthralling experience that has taught me a new way to write a paper. In high school there was only one way to write and that was it. I think that this class is a great way for students to think out of the box, rather than having to be stuck. It allows them to write more freely about a subject, and I am very thankful for that. I have learned many new skills and improved the skills I already
At the beginning of this class I was nervous on how this semester will go and whether or not I will succeed to my fullest potential in English. With that in my mind I still was trying my best to work at getting better, despite how much it made me cringe at the thought of it. My perspective of writing began to change as time went on, the assignments were based on interesting topics which made it a bit bearable for me. I’ve learned that you have to make the steps to get to the perfect paper. A paper requires you to brainstorm, make an outline, and writing your rough draft to get that feedback you need before finishing up that final draft. During this class I have also learned where to put my thesis and that I don’t need to have that three point subtopics of what you should talk about. The writing length started getting longer and I was a bit skeptical on how I can get to the word count or what will I talk about within my papers, but I have