Homework over two hours has started negatively impacting teens. Without homework, students would not be able to review at home and would not be able to show responsibility. Despite these benefits, homework can cause students stress and at times can cause family conflicts. This essay will outline the damages for students with homework over two hours.
Homework over two hours can cause stress for students. Teens start to stress after demanding tasks and so homework over two hours is considered a demanding task because you want to complete the homework quickly and get the homework correct. With technology also including homework, the screen can strain the eyes and cause many problems which may also add to the stress already in effect. If homework
Not only does homework help student but also it creates interaction between teens and parents. However, statics has shown that even though homework is a way to refresh what students have learned, it also create stress for students. Homework has shown its benefits for student but most of the time when student is given a homework it’s likely he/she will not do it. They believe it’s stressful,and when they can’t get the right answer, they gave up instantly instead of keep practicing. According to researchers, they believe that when student do more homework they get better grades and do well on the test/quizzes that were given. Even though homework has many advantage toward students, it also has disadvantage. Which include having too much homework and these things could lead to mental health issue toward students.
After spending most of their time in school, students are expected to complete even more work, seems almost ridiculous. Homework is taking time away from students other activities. In the book, “The Case Against Homework,” by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish, they state how homework, “robs children of their sleep, play and exercise time need for proper physical, emotional, and neurological development.” Homework is no different than a towel placed in water. It soaks up the time from other activities A study done by the Brown Center found an
After a long day of school, students are tired, stressed, and overworked. This is often something that is ignored when it comes to students of all ages. Homework provides a heavy load that can add additional stress and time on a student’s shoulders. Schools should be making sure that students are receiving enough work throughout the day, to make sure kids do not have the worry of homework when school is over. Students who receive lots of homework, may not have enough time in the evenings to be around family, friends and enjoy the rest of their day.
David Mills’s article published in Healthline, “Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids’ Health?” is a piece focused upon the extensive amount of time consumed by homework by students of all ages as well as the subsequent health effects that typically result from the issue. With the assistance of multiple studies, Mills argues that current students are highly exceeding the national standard of allotted time for homework and instead recommends several alternatives to the problem, such as primarily focusing upon the assignments that they deem as of appropriate and beneficial quality. Although he specifically asserts that refusing to do the work altogether is one of the best methods to easily relieve the increasing pressure felt by students in vigorous schooling systems, it actually has the opposite effect: by delaying the work until later, students fall into an endless cycle of being
Homework never stops for full-time college students. A rule of thumb for college courses is to spend double the time spent in class at home working on class work. For example, I spend fourteen hours a week in class. This means I am required to spend twenty-eight hours a week working on assignments and studying. Full-time college students can easily spend more than forty hours a week on classwork alone. One project, paper, or assignment could easily take two to three hours alone. Speaking from personal experience spending two hours straight on one assignment can easily lead to stress. Students who put off assignments till the last moment are going to get stressed out easier than others. These students have to worry about getting a good grade, finishing the assignment on time, meeting the requirements for the assignment, and turning in the assignment on time. Homework is the number one cause of stress on a full time college students.
The debate regarding exactly how much homework is too much homework has been an ongoing debate for years. As of right now, there seems to be no end in sight for this debate. Various adults believe that if children do not obtain homework, then they are not learning properly. However, numerous children are obtaining a substantial amount of homework per night, as well as per each class. Once a child exceeds a certain amount of homework, then it is no longer beneficial for the child’s education. An excessive amount of homework can essentially become harmful to the child’s education. As a result, teachers are struggling with finding the right amount of homework to assign to students. The National Education Association as well as the National Parent-Teacher Association endorse the “10-minute rule” for teachers to follow when assigning homework to students. If a child is assigned an excessive amount of homework, then the child might experience more harm than good when attempting to complete the assigned homework.
Surprisingly, too much homework a night can result in stress. According to “Homework can have an Impact on Kids Health,” more than 30 minutes a night can cause children and teens to become more stressful the next day. In addition to so much homework, parents get stressed with their kids having afterschool sports and afterschool activities knowing they have homework to do. For this
Roberto Nevilis, a teacher in Venice, changed history when he created the first use of homework in 1095. Since then, students’ opinions of homework haven’t changed. Roberto Nevilis started homework as a way of punishing his students for not doing their work. Nowadays, homework is assigned to help students receive more practice for what they learned in school that day. Despite the good intentions that homework is supposed to provide, it actually proves more harm than good. In the twenty-first century, the increase of homework negatively affects American teens’ sleep schedules, stress levels, and after school opportunities. Parent involvement in homework can turn into parent interference.
High school students feel more stress than working adults, and children are beginning to feel aversion towards learning. Both adolescents and children are at risk of health issues due to anxiety and less time is spent with family, playing, and sleeping. The cause for all of this is too much homework that is suffocating students. Homework causes students to sleep less, have more stress, and even forces students to give up extracurricular activities. These negative results can be improved by reducing the homework load.
The quality of students’ homework is much more important than the quantity of students homework and data collected during recent studies has proven that homework is not making the grade. “. . . American students are entangled in the middle of international academic rankings: 17th in reading, 23rd in science, and 31st in math according to the most recent results from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)” (Murphy-Paul). Students should not be given an excessive amount of homework because the pressure of having to complete excessive amounts of homework every night is quite daunting for most students. Knowing how much homework is the right amount correlates with age and grade. An 8th grade student should not be given a myriad of homework that would keep her awake past midnight completing assignments. In any case, there should be a limit on the amount of homework all teachers give to students because an excessive amount of homework would eventually cause students to become uninterested in school and learning, which could result in poor test scores and low ranks in international academic rankings. In order for students to carry out daily activities throughout the day restfully, teachers must be able to provide homework that does not exceed the appropriate amount of time needed to complete it, which is based on grade level. If teachers are too clueless of a students health due to excessive amounts of homework, many students will develop cases of sleep
Having too much homework causes students large amounts of stress and lack of sleep that can cause health problems. On a survey that Stanford researchers tested on 4317 students, fifty-six percent of the students considered homework a primary source of stress, forty-three percent of the students viewed tests as a primary stressor, thirty-three percent put pressure to get good grades in that category (Parker). Less than one percent of the students said that homework was not a stressor (Parker). That means that about 4273 students considered homeword a stressor, while less than 50 out of 4317 students believed homework to not be a stressor. Out of the students surveyed, the average amount of homework was three hours and six minutes of homework (Greicius). The large amount of homework causes large amounts of stress, but it also causes sleep deprivation and other health problems such as headaches, exhaustion, sleep deprivation,
Most of the homework adolescents tend to receive from their teachers is busy work, and children and family agree this is not fair to them. This issue is affecting adolescents, parents, and families. When students are overloaded with responsibilities from schoolwork, their participation in extracurricular and social activities decreases. An argument over homework might seem trivial, but there are many negative effects on children who are attending school and go through this pressure.
It has once been proven from a survey by the American Psychological Association which found “that nearly half of all teens — forty-five percent — said they were stressed by school pressures” (Neighmond). As a young adult, dealing with an overwhelming amount of issues or struggles is part of growing up, but certain faculties may put students far outside their comfort zones. Today, majority of schools assign unnecessary amounts of homework to students on a daily basis. Dealing with a variety of different assignments in each class can lead to elevated stress levels, loss of recommended hours of sleep, and a lack of time, resulting in the individual to rush for the completion of the given homework.
Students can get stressed out because of the overload of homework and it can be too much to handle. Homework can be a stressor instead of a motivator for students. Most schools teach for about seven hours a day yet when the student goes home, they have more work to deal with. Adolescents will be bored with the homework and all of the knowledge that will
Homework can add stress to students because they are worried about getting good grades and if they’re going to get them correct also they had been in school all day learning things and trying to pay attention. A Stanford studies show 56 percent of students considered homework a primary source of stress, news.stanford.edu/news/2014/march/too-much-homework-031014.html.