
Homosexuality In Ruth's The Awakening

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In this scene, Ruth is posing a question of her sexuality. She describes her attraction towards her cousin while her cousin was undressed, “Ruth had longed to touch her cousin’s skin and hair, longed to be held.” It was also stated that Ruth had an attraction towards other females as well. This scene is connected to the theme of the contrast and comparison between love and lust. Ruth began to long for sweetness and attention from females, however it soon to develop into something more than just these innocent needs. However, it is unclear whether Ruth is sexually attracted to women, but rather Ruth “wanted to disappear inside of them forever.” Ruth wants affection from a woman, however it is uncertain whether those romantic feelings extend into sexual desires. …show more content…

Her first experience with female attraction was with her cousin, “ Ruth watched her teenage cousin undress to take a bath while Ruth sat on the bathroom rug, locked in the bathroom so her cousin could babysit her as she’d been told.” Ruth’s cousin was nude, and thus emerging the sexual lust within Ruth. Readers can be distressed by this imagery, because Ruth’s teenage cousin’s nude body was not sexualized, however those reading may see it as

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