
Honey Bees Research Paper

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Most people might cringe and feel disgusted if you ask them about their favorite type of insect. They will talk to you all day long about how their little cat always asks for attention in the cutest way possible or how their dog is so friendly with all of the members of their family. But it is almost we forget the role and importance different types of insects play not only in our lives but also in the entire ecosystem that here exists on planet earth. Many of them feed on the decaying organic matter helping do a major work of breaking down and disposing the wastes of dead animals and plants. And while feeding and reproducing, a major amount of these types of creatures make the role in food web and main sources for many amphibians, reptiles, …show more content…

An empty hive will result in completely ruining that certain colony since there is no team work to be done within it. Because of different types of pesticides in honey bee farms, more bee hives are damaged and lost due to effects of these chemicals. Synthetic products that once was believed to only kill viruses and result in healthier and more producing bees, are acting completely opposite.
There are however, diseases and microscopic parasites that can get into the bodies of this type of insects and kill them over time and use the resources of their bodies. “New or emerging diseases such as Israeli Acute Paralysis virus and the gut parasite Nosema” (1). Nosema parasite for example can be a serious threat during colder times of the year specially if colonies are foraging on non nutritious pollen at the same time. But by feeding anti fungal medication such as Fumagilin-B®, to the bees it can be very successful for controlling the problems and keeping the group of insects healthy.
But how come using pesticides in this way is going to be a benefit rather than killing the bees? I believe that here we can find a perfect example of fine line between using these kinds chemicals.
Same as Fumagilin-B, Neonicotinoids are insecticides that gained a popularity by protecting the plants and bees from different types of bugs and parasites. This type of chemical was praised mainly for its water solubility to be used in soil for plants and also for their low-toxicity to many beneficial insects, including honey bees. However, this claim has been recently come into question (2).
This new class of insecticides is chemically related to nicotine as you can probably tell by the way it has been named after. Although nicotine is non toxic to mammals, birds, and plants, they are much more toxic to invertebrates such as insects.
When explaining something toxic, probably the

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