
Essay on Hostilities Between Men of Faith and Science

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When Copernicus and Galileo voiced their observations opposing the Catholic Church, Copernicus and Galileo were labeled as a threat for a couple reasons. For example, Copernicus and Galileo’s observations did not support the Catholic Church’s teachings. Copernicus and Galileo discovered that the sun does not revolve around the Earth but that the Earth revolves around the sun. The Church believed that “Only God knows how he created the universe,” (Gascoigne) so there was no way that Copernicus and Galileo could know that the Earth revolves around the sun. In the Bible it says, “The world also is stablished, and it cannot be moved.” (The Book) This was interpreted by the Church to mean that Earth cannot move, therefore the sun must be …show more content…

Then, about two hundred years later, the computer and cell phone were invented which is where technology has come thus far (Dosoudil). Now, because of social media, anyone can connect to people around the world. Furthermore, improved technology has heightened education. As technology has advanced, people have been able to transport and communicate faster and more efficiently. This has led to the opportunity of make schooling and continued education a privilege and eventually a priority in people’s lives. In general, people have been able to understand the world and how it works better. The Internet allows someone to simply type in what they want to know and it pulls up resource upon resource on just a single subject. As one can clearly see, technological advancements have changed society in more ways than one might expect. Women have had to endure through obstacles throughout history. During the scientific revolution, women were generally unable to receive a formal education and therefore, were very rarely respected for their views. For example, Margret Cavendish, who came from an aristocratic background, participated in many scientific debates, wrote two scientific works, and set a great example of women scientists in France and England (Berdine). Regardless of her accomplishments, Cavendish was denied membership from the Royal Society (Berdine). Another woman, Maria Winkelmann reflected “the obstacles women faced in being accepted in scientific work,

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