
How ADHD Affects Students

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How ADHD Affects Students Today You’re sitting in class and you know you should focus on what the teacher is saying, but you just can’t. You look out the window and there’s a lady going for a run with her dog. Then you hear the teacher say you’ll have a quiz on what you learned during the next class. The problem is, you have no notes to study because for the entire hour you couldn’t get yourself to sit still long enough to focus. While educators are constantly battling with “trouble kids” they may not realize that those students may have ADHD, and their education is not reaching its fullest potential, which is why it’s so important to understand what ADHD is, know the different symptoms, and also know how to better help the student. ADHD or …show more content…

Predominantly inattentive type is characterized by great trouble getting or staying focused on a task or activity, but has little or no trouble sitting still and inhibiting behavior. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type is where it’s very easy to lose focus and is more challenging to control impulse and activity, but are able to pay attention to tasks. Predominantly combined type is the most common, and displays characteristics of both hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. Knowing the symptoms of ADHD will be able to help parents and teachers know to get the child to a doctor so they are able to start making a …show more content…

A person who displays symptoms of inattention “might procrastinate, not complete tasks like homework or chores, or frequently move from one uncompleted activity to another” (Symptoms of ADHD). Other signs are disorganization, a lack of focus, difficulty paying attention to detail, tendency to make careless mistakes, forgetful about daily activities, and be easily distracted by trivial noises and events that others have no problem ignoring. Someone who displays symptoms of hyperactivity are likely to fidget and squirm or frequently feel the need to get up and move around, seem restless, have trouble playing quietly or having quiet hobbies, they must always be moving, and they talk excessively. Symptoms of impulsivity include impatience, difficulty waiting to talk or react to something, have a hard time waiting their turn, and frequently interrupt others. (Symptoms of ADHD). “ADHD is a condition that affects individuals “across the lifespan.”” (CHADD – The National Resource on ADHD). Symptoms are experienced from one phase of life to the next, and if untreated one could struggle their entire life with ADHD. While these are the typical symptoms, they do change based on

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