
How Did America Become America?

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How did America become America? The North America that is here today went through a struggle to get where it is now. Exploration, expansion, fighting, and purchases were slowly piecing America together. America up north started our first and carried the upper class people who were in need of something new; the south was the hotspot for all the slaves and low lives that just farmed for Europe; and the west came to be by a population boom that needed to be resolved, and people just going out to explore and escaping the troubles of the east. As the seventeenth century started, just about a hundred years after Columbus’s famous discovery, the face of much of the New World had already been profoundly transformed. European crops and livestock had begun to alter the very landscape, touching off an ecological revolution that would echo for centuries to come. Disease and armed conquest had cruelly disrupted the natives. Several hundred thousand enslaved Africans toiled on Caribbean and Brazilian sugar plantations. From Florida and New Mexico southward, most of the New World lay firmly within the grip of Imperial Spain. But European powers planted three primitive outposts in three distant corners of the continent: the Spanish at Santa Fé, the French in Québec, and the English at Jamestown, Virginia. The settlement in Jamestown was the start of it all for the thirteen colonies, but the colonies began differently in the north, middle, and south. The colonies built the north and south

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