
How Did Christianity Influence The Development Of The Middle Ages

Decent Essays

Many of the ideals and inventions that exist in today’s world can be attributed to the influence of the Middle Ages. Where religion, Christianity specifically, was the dominating force of the Middle Ages, one could say that it has created modern society. Christianity brought education to a world that greatly needed it. Some argue that Christianity was harmful to society, however many of the ideals developed through Christianity continue to be a legacy in the current Western world. Even where the values are not inherently Christian they have likely been influenced by the development of Christianity or the empire that Charlemagne created. Christianity had such an effect that when paired with the Holy Roman Empire it almost brought Christian Europe out of the Dark Ages. The Holy Roman Empire was essentially established by Charlemagne, the King of the Franks, who brought education back into Christian Europe which caused higher sophistication in his Empire. Charlemagne is an extremely important figure in not only Christian history, but the history of all Western cultures. The …show more content…

Charlemagne influenced the Carolingian Renaissance by trying to get the levels of creation and literacy to that of Rome. In these times Monasteries were central to education and consequently, education was heavily influenced by Christianity and the rules Charlemagne demanded the monasteries follow. Charlemagne gathered the most outstanding scholars for his court and later scholars from across the world would come to his court to teach (Gudek Šnajdar). Charlemagne also restored architecture and the arts, although art and architecture of this time was very minimalistic, it was an extreme step for the society. The Carolingian Renaissance was a time of cultural ascent which revived literacy and gave the modern day many sources and ideas that have stayed

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