
How Did Clarisse Impact Montag In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Fahrenheit 451
In the book Fahrenheit 451, there are two people who impact Montag’s life greatly, Clarisse and Mildred. Clarisse is the young happy person who shows Montag what living is, she shows him that there is more to life that burning and sadness. Mildred is Montag’s depressed wife who wears headphones 24/7 and shuts herself in her fake world forgetting about reality. In Fahrenheit 451, Clarisse shows what the world could be like if you engage in life, and Mildred shows what life is like when you shut the world out.
Clarisse and Mildred are polar opposites in every way, including physical looks. Clarisse is described as almost ghost like, “her face was slender and milk-white, and in it was a kind of gentle hunger that touched over …show more content…

Without Clarisse Montag would never have changed, he would have stayed a fireman who burns while wearing his happy mask. Even though Clarisse dies, she impacts Montag throughout the entire story, she impacts the decisions he makes long after she is gone. Mildred however makes little impact on Montag’s life, if any, I think Mildred just serves as a reminder to Montag about what his life would go back to if he gave up. I think that after Mildred died, Montag soon forgot about her, unlike Clarisse who will impact his life …show more content…

Clarisse is not like everyone else, she goes against the flow. She doesn’t believe in following blindly, if she was told to write a paper in a certain format she wouldn’t, she would make it as crazy as possible and break every rule set. She doesn’t follow guidelines, she questions everything and asks the question, “ why?”. She wants to take long walks at night, look at the man on the moon, and look at the dew in the morning. She doesn’t want to be like everyone else, she wants to be different, she want to be herself, she wants to be free.
Mildred is the mindless fool who does whatever she is told to do. Mildred follows every rule and believes everything she is told. She blindly believes whatever the government tells her and listens intently to what her “family” tells her. I think if Mildred we to be put out into nature without her headphones, she would kill herself because she would not be able to handle the silence. I don’t think Mildred would be able to handle the thought s inside her own head, for she has not had one in so

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