
How Did Hebrews Influence Western Civilization

Decent Essays

Out of the rich history of Western Civilization, the most influential and powerful philosophical idea that has greatly impacted history (and continues to influence modern society across the globe) is indeed the concept of monotheism. This began with the Jewish religion of the Hebrews (also known as Israelites). From there this belief has continued to be a major influence in daily life, politics, culture, and inventions in many major western civilizations since then. Many mighty empires and powerful civilizations existed before the emergence of the Kingdom of Israel including Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Hittite Empire all of which were polytheistic civilizations. Also during the time of Israel’s infancy, were ancient Near East empires of the Chaldeans, Persians, and Assyrians. All of …show more content…

As will be discussed regarding the Hebrews, “…these people developed the world’s first monotheistic religious system and created the ethical framework of Western Civilization” (Levack 43). First a look at the Israelites’ origins shows that early on it was very likely that they had polytheistic ways, and put their faith in various gods of nature, most likely influenced by the surrounding polytheistic cultures and civilizations. However, “It was among the Babylonian exiles in the sixth century B.C.E. the Yahweh—the God of Israel—came to be seen as the only God” (Spielvogel 36). When the Israelite exiles were back in Judah, their view of monotheism “came to be the major tenet of Judaism” (Spielvogel 36). These new viewpoints were very different form the other polytheistic belief systems, particularly in the idea that an individual can have a personal relationship with the God that created all in the universe (Spielvogel 36). This is also illustrated by the psalmist who said, “My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. He will

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