
How Did Henri Paul Gauguin Influence His Works

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Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin was a famous artist known for paintings, sculpture, ceramics and engraves. He painted using the arts of matisse, fauvism, and post-impressionism along with painterly strokes and color fields. He was famous for having painted the native life in Tahiti and Polynesia with primitivist descriptions. Gauguin’s paintings were constituted with oil. He was also apart of the display of the French Art Deco the years he created art. He was a French Polynesian and exemplified that in his work by using Polynesian culture. Paul Gauguin was born on June 7th, 1848 in Paris, France. Sadley he died on May 8th, 1903 in Atuona, Marquesas Islands due to accidental drug overdose. He had been suffering from syphilis and had no time to work on paintings. Along with the sickness, causing Gauguin to not continue his art, he was siding with the natives instead of French colonists. Which indeed had effect on his absence of work, had being threatened. There was no unfinished art found or believed to be once Paul Gauguin passed. …show more content…

After years passed Paul’s father did as well. He then returned back home to France and became a merchant marine. With a struggle Paul left his job to enroll in the French Navy for many years. In the after he worked as a stockbroker. A very loving Danish woman came into Gauguin’s life in 1873 making them newlyweds. Together they married and had 5 children. Such a tragedy, two children Paul had outlived. His favorite Aline lost due to pneumonia and Clovis lost due to blood infection and hip operation. One child of his became a well-known Belgian artist, Germaine

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