
How Did Mesopotamians Study Astronomy

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Mesopotamians started studying astronomy, which is the science of stars, planets and space as early as 7,985 BC. As Mesopotamians studied astronomy they started forming beliefs about astrological culture. They started the belief of creationism, the belief that a divine being(s) created the universe and everything in it.
Astronomy started many beliefs that we have today such as creationism. Mesopotamians believed that many gods controlled life. They believed that Enki was the God of water, and that he controls the flow of the Euphrates and Tigris, on which Mesopotamians relied on for survival.


Barley is a tall, grass like plant that was one of the main crops in Mesopotamia. The very first barley plants were evolved from wild plants that were found in Mesopotamia. The main crops in Mesopotamia, such as barley, wheat, lentils, and dates, were grown in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. …show more content…

Often, traders from different civilizations would bring their trades, (barley, wheat, etc.) and travel on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.


Cuneiform is what we call the first we call the first written language invented by Sumerians. The language was at first composed of pictographs. Later Sumerians started using triangle shapes to represent sounds that they could use to spell words.

This language was used to keep track of important events on clay tablets. Many of the tablets have been found complete. It is hard to decipher the meaning of the language but many important pieces of history have been discovered.


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