
How Did The Industrial Revolution Affect The Transformation Of British Immigration To The United States

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The industrial revolution had a huge impact on transformation on the United States. One of the biggest ways it changed the U.S was the rise in immigrates coming to the united states. Also it was a big time inventions that are still in use today. It also revolutionized the way we make products. During 1854 to 1851 Immigration to America grew massively. It grew because of a fungus over taking crops in Ireland. That crop was potatoes thus the being called the potato feminine. At this time Ireland was ran by great Britain and they seemingly did nothing to help the Irish so they decided to do what they could do to survive. Over 1.1 million died from starvation or feminine related illnesses. By 1844 1.5 million immigrates traveled to different countries to get away from not only the death, poverty, and rule of great Britain but in hopes of living better lives (immigration to the united states). …show more content…

They also were taken advantage of by landlord. They were offered rooms in good conditions but were really give rat infested over crowded spaces. If the treatment given to the Irish were not enough to handle they had to also deal with the stereotypes that the British decided to depict of them which was they were unable to hold jobs and were drunks. Since employment opportunity were scares they ended up living up to the stereotypes. They ended up in criminal situations and drinking a lot. These problems also limited opportunities extended to them. A lot of places even put up sign stating Irish need not apply (immigration to the united

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