
How Did The Industrial Revolution Contribute To The Industrial Revolution

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The industrial Revolution was a era of opportunities for many. For immigrants, it was an opportunity to get a fresh new start and to have a shot to strike it rich and live the American dream. But for others it was an opportunity to take advantage of the hard work of others for their own good. The industrial revolution brought many things to the US. It brought a large amount of immigrants to the US. And it also brought in many inventions that we still use to this day. With the large amounts of immigrants, many business owners wanted to take advantage of that. So they started hiring immigrants to work in their factories to make profits. One particular pair of business owners call the Ashton brothers took it among themselves to make homes for all the employees of their factory. “Everywhere is to be observed a cleanliness which indicates order and comfort.”.(Doc 2) Also some of the inventions that were created in that time period also contributed to the economic growth. For example, the sewing machine. The sewing machine was invented by Elias Howe and it revolutionized the way clothing was made. With the sewing machine, clothing was made faster and sold cheaper than they did when they were hand stitched. The industrial revolution led us to have the luxuries we have today. Although the industrial age was an era of economic growth it was mostly on the backbone of the workers that had to go through hardships in the factory. Not only did the workers have to go

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