
Why Did William Win The Battle Of Hasting

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Why did William win the Battle of Hasting?

The Battle of Hastings took place on October 14th 1066.It was between Harold Godwinson and William the Duke of Normandy. Edward the confessor (King or England) died of old age.Before he died he promised 3 mens to claim the throne of England.These mens were Horold Godwindon,Willam of Normandy and Harald Hadrada.Each of these mens thought they were the best to claim the throne of England but in oder to find out There was Battles (stamford bridge) .After the battle of Stamford Bridge, Harold Godwinson heard some bad news. This was that William had invaded.At the end William of Normandy was sucessful but why?

Willams strength
Willam won the Battle of Hasting because he has many strength such as his army had cavalry(War Horse) which gave them lots of power. His Army spent many days sleeping eating and resting before

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