
How Do Food Banks Affect The Community?

Satisfactory Essays

Introduction Around the globe there are many who are at a state of no access to food. Not only does this effect the homeless, but also those with a family and children. Because of their low income or environmental state and even poverty, not everyone has a fair chance of a proper nutrition. This is where the role of food banks comes into place as it limits these problems to these individuals. Through charitable events at school, I have participated in giving canned food items or food items that will not rot within a couple of years or months. Participating in these events not only gave me a ticket to partake in the well-being for others, but it also gave me a more understanding as to how many people are really impacted with hunger as well as other forms of their needs. …show more content…

I would like to start off by initiating a base question that would help in the process of researching about food banks, that is, what a food bank is and why many people use it. I would also like to know how the society would be without food banks. As well as to know if the percentage of those at a state of hunger would ever change as the population increases. While researching these questions, I would also like to grasp the barriers that occur within food banks. These initial sub question are hopefully able to lead up to the main question which is: are food banks helpful in meeting the current and rising demand for food inequality. After coming in close conclusion to this question, I would apply the learnings of ‘help’ though lectures in class, from articles, as well as from personal

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