
How Does Management Impact Globalization?

Decent Essays

With the expanding world we live in globalization and international trade has become a key part of large business, corporations and organizations alike. But how does management impact globalization in business? There are a few key aspects to properly understanding what is needed when running a business abroad. Understanding cultural differences and behavioral changes internationally is the first step to succeeding abroad. Additionally, when any business goes abroad or widens their horizons, one must manage the “bottom line” financially properly or it could lead to ruin. And lastly, understanding that managerial styles change depending on the county one is in is a key factor in retaining good employees. In many ways, the amount the business will thrive becomes obvious if you observe how it and it 's employees conduct themselves out of the “safe zone” of their home country. Having an understanding of behavioral and cultural differences will be the aspect that can either make or break a budding companies relationships abroad. Many times miscommunication is common and normal for businesses out of their element. It is not the occurrence of the miscommunication or misunderstandings that will break your chances with a potential client/ partner; it is how you react to these miscommunication. For example; Imagine yourself as a person raised in a country where optimism is expected in the work environment and everyone has a team attitude as well as rewards are given on a team basis.

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