
How Does Pathogenic Disease Affects The Body

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Tuberculosis most often mentioned to as TB, is a widespread infectious disease which is proven to be deadly. Most commonly found in humans from a strain bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It more frequently attacks the lungs, but can also involve other regions of the physical structure. This deadly disease should not be neglected. TB was discovered by a German doctor named Robert in 1882. It took a while to diagnose the disease because it was easily confused with other diseases. Many years ago it was often referred to “consumption” because the patient will simply just waste away without seeking proper treatment. This research paper will demonstrate how pathogenic disease affects the body and how the body defends itself against this disease.

The entire world population one third is infected by TB. The distribution of this disease is not constancy across the globe. Approximately 80 percent of the population in many African and Asian countries test positive compare to other countries. This isn’t surprising most people who are infected with TB are living in deprived areas. This can become more easily to contract the …show more content…

The most common symptoms are a lung infection, beside the lungs TB can cause other organs in the body to be infected. TB first essential exposer of the bacteria is often called primary TB. The body’s defence immune system is capable of stopping the bacteria from spreading therefore fights the infection. The way it does this is forming a scar tissue around the bacteria separating it from the rest of the body. The truth is anyone can have TB right now. Many individuals can have no symptoms. On the other hand, if someone’s immune system is weak or is unable to conceal the TB bacteria scar tissue and if erupt this can cause the active disease which is refer secondary TB. Beside the lungs the most frequent body part that are infected are kidneys, bones, the lining of the brain and spinal

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