
How Does Shakespeare Present Love In Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

Young Love

(An analysis of Shakespeare’s portrayal of young love)

Shakespeare has captivated audiences for decades. I believe he did this, because he understood human nature. He had mastered the art of human emotions. Every person in the audience could relate to one, or more, of the characters in his plays. Shakespeare was a genius. Based on Romeo’s behavior in Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet, I think Shakespeare accurately portrays a teenager in love, because Romeo displays insecurities emotionally of a typical teen, he makes rash decisions, and he infatuated with physical female beauty.

One of the most important attributes of a teenager in love is the emotional insecurities Romeo displays. When we first meet Romeo he is complaining about how Rosaline does not like Romeo back. He is so in love with her, Romeo threatens to kill himself if she will not love him back. “She is too fair, too wise, wisely too fair to merit bliss by making me despair. She hath forsworn to love, and in that vow do I live dead that live to tell it now.”(pg 815/line 217-220) Here Romeo is stating that Rosaline is so beautiful that he despairs because he cannot have her.. …show more content…

Just because Rosaline does not love Romeo, he threatens to kill himself. Later on in the play, Romeo does kill himself, because the thought of living without Juliet was too much to bear. In act one, Romeo says, “Not mad, but bound more than a madman is; shut up in prison, kept without my food, whipped and tormented…”(pg 817/line 54-56) Here Romeo states the distress he feels towards Rosaline’s love for him. He is explaining how when Rosaline does not love him, it is like being shut in a prison and tortured. These are just a few examples of Romeo’s rash

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