
How Does Wuornos Continue To Work As A Prostitute?

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After the death of her grandmother Wuornos ran away from home to live her life on the streets and turned to the prostitution skills she had learned in adolescence to survive (Jensen, 2011). The rest of Wuornos’s life would be spent roaming the highways, living the life of a prostitute in poverty, abusing drugs and alcohol. It was in 1981, Innes (2006) reports that Wuornos met Tyria Moore and it would be this lesbian relationship lasting for four and a half years that would be the most significant romantic relationship for Wuornos. Throughout their relationship Wuornos continued to work as a prostitute. It was during this time that Wuornos fatally shot Richard Mallory (51), and then stole his money, possessions and car. Throughout her trial

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