Ryan Kornegay
Physics 2B
Football Physics In the United States of America 64% of the population watch football, but no one ever thinks of the physics involved. One common misconception is people think that quickness and speed can go hand in hand, but in fact quickness and speed are 2 different things. Quickness is acceleration and that is the speed in comparison to direction. However speed is the rate of change per second. “Galileo was the first scientist to make a comprehensive study of kinematics” (pg. 27). How does physics relate to football? Football has many examples of how physics can be used to better understand it. another example is acceleration, even more acceleration versus speed. Speed velocity and acceleration are
Term 3 commenced with each boy studying HPE in year 11, participating in the sport Touch Football. In this subject the cohort has been analysing the relationships between different energy systems and components of fitness that need to be acquired to successfully participate in the physical activity. Components of fitness are described as basic qualities that demonstrate the ability to complete daily tasks with energy, reduced health risks, and participate in a variety of physical activities (1). This presentation will give a thorough reflection on Touch football and what energy systems are of most importance to the sport. I will also be reflecting on the components of fitness that I personally need to work on which is observed from primary data collected in the HPE classes. Also methods of improvement toward specific components of fitness.
Football is game of speed, strength, and strategy. The best way to be a better player is working on becoming bigger and stronger while maintaining the speed, but when the players mass, strength, and speed all get better the forces the can produce a greater force with their hits. According to Timothy Gay, Physics professor at the University of Nebraska and author of The Physics of Football, a Defensive Back at the average one-hundred and ninety pounds that runs a 4.56 forty-yard dash can produce sixteen-hundred pounds of tackling force, which easily can break any bone of the human body. Due to the extreme forces the players are exposed to, it is necessary for each player to wear pads that help reduce and spread out the forces, and helmets
The fastest growing sport in America is lacrosse, and in order to play lacrosse, it is important to first understand the physics of the game. Lacrosse players around the world use physics while playing without even thinking about it. With no knowledge of physics, it would be pretty difficult to master the fastest game on two feet. One of the worlds greatest scientist, Isaac Newton, established three laws dealing with physics, and using these laws will make it possible for a lacrosse player to understand what he or she needs to do in order to throw a ball. Newtons first law deals with inertia, his second law deals with the relationship between mass, acceleration and force, and his third law deals with opposite reactions. When talking about lacrosse, it is essential to cover Newton’s first law, his second law, and his third law in order to understand the physics behind throwing a lacrosse ball. .
Touch Football is a team sport consisting of 6 players split into two teams on the field at a given time. It is a high intensity game, involving bursts of maximal speed and power. During a game of Touch Football, all three energy systems work towards energy production required for muscular contractions, however the dominant energy system is determined by the intensity and duration of the effort performed.
Baseball is an interesting game that is extraordinarily enjoyable to play. This task is about comprehension the material science of a couple key parts of this game. One may ask what material science could need to do with baseball? Like most games baseball includes physical movement. Baseball incorporates each of the three planes of movement through tossing, hitting, and handling. The greater part of the traditional laws of mechanics can be connected to comprehend the material science of this amusement.
The physics involved in soccer includes friction, torque, center of gravity, Magnus Effect and Newton’s three laws of motion. The physics of soccer comes from three main parts of physics which is velocity, acceleration, and displacement. Velocity is shown in soccer with the speed and direction of the soccer ball when it is hit or kicked. Acceleration is shown in soccer when the ball changes velocity when it is hit or kicked. Displacement is the change in position of the soccer ball.
The game that America has come to know and love may have more behind it than everyday viewers and fans realize. Physics fuels every aspect of the game of football and is evident in the collisions that take place on every play. Watching a game of football can be a great learning tool to anyone interested in better understanding the laws of physics. Many great examples are provided on every snap. Mass, force, momentum, velocity and torque all play significant roles in the tackling action performed by players and the better you understand these terms the better you can begin to understand the game itself.
Evaluation of the Components of Fitness and an Analysis to Their Relevance of Touch Football
There are three main energy systems used in a game of touch football which consist of the creatine phosphate (ATP PC) system, lactic acid system and the aerobic system. Each system plays a vital role during game play. Every muscle in your body requires energy to perform all movements, and to do this, the energy is produced by the breakdown of a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is found in all cells which is a chemical form of muscular activity and performs mostly all functions in the human body. It contains 3 phosphate groups and adenosine. ATP is stored in the muscles and lasts for approximately 10-30 seconds. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins, are all producers of ATP from the food we eat; however Creatine Phosphate is
There is a dark cloud hanging over the world of contact sports and it is growing at an alarming rate. With the size and speed of today’s athletes, the sports of football and hockey have become more exciting, fast paced, wide open, and fun to watch. However, there is another consequence of these ever growing athletes on their sports. They have made the collisions in them increasingly more violent. The velocity that these athletes hurl themselves through the air has created an atmosphere that could not have been imagined when these sports were created. Although the athletes’ bodies have become
For instance a wide receiver whose game depends greatly on being able to accelerate quickly will prefer to play on an artificial surface with less friction. When a player gets in the open field he may be capable of reaching his maximum momentum. When this player's momentum is suddenly changed either with a great tackle or one hell of a hit the laws of physics concerning collisions, both elastic and inelastic, come into play.
Most people would assume that soccer is the fastest game played with two feet, but actually it is lacrosse. Math is used in the game of lacrosse in many ways, as an example the angle you shoot at determines where the ball goes. Also, an example of math being used would be the different shapes in the game. Like for example, the field you play on is a rectangle with different shapes and lines to determine the foul lines, shooting lines, and the half-field. Another subject of math being involved in lacrosse is the area inside the net. This is how much space there is in the net, where the ball could go.
Air pressure can indeed affect the distance that the football will travel. The data from the experiment proved that the more air pressure, or the more inflated the ball is, then the farther the ball will travel. When one tested the lowest air pressure, our results showed that a flat ball will not travel far at all when thrown at a consistent speed. When one inflated the ball only halfway, it traveled significantly farther than a fully deflated ball. Furthermore, when one inflated the ball to the regulated air pressure of the National Football League, it travelled farther than both the fully deflated and halfway deflated ball. The statistics also supported the hypothesis for this experiment. The averages correlated with the distance that
Between football and track the lists of similarities and differences are endless. The comparison between the sports doesn’t make one better than the next, it just helps understand it. Finding and understanding the differences between the two sport help many realize what is happening and how each sport is
Soccer is a sport that’s very challenging and during the course of this semester I’ve found physics can also be described as challenging. As far as I was concerned soccer and physics were both challenging and that was all they had in common, consequently upon researching them both this semester I found that I was wrong. For me this was nothing new because I’ve found that physics isn’t a subject that can be skimmed, but rather it has to be studied to the finest detail. Those small details if missed can make all your efforts worthless. Or on the positive side understanding those details can make your efforts worth it in the end. And in soccer if you understand the physics, which to most players