
How Prawer-Jhabvala Highlights the Culture Clash Between India and England in the Young Couple

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How Prawer-Jhabvala Highlights the Culture Clash Between India and England in the Young Couple

Prawer-Jhabvala highlights the culture clash in several ways. Firstly, by using themes. Secondly, through the uses of images and languages. Finally, through the uses of characterisation of Naraian, Cathy and Naraian's parent.

Firstly, Prawer-Jhabvala uses the main theme, clash of culture to show the culture clash between England and India. The first culture clash was shown on the reaction Naraian's friend to Cathy. Naraian's friends "were polite to her, but the trouble was they were too polite, in a very formal and courtly way", and with such "undue respect". The respect is unearned and should not own …show more content…

Naraian's family does everything for Cathy. His family gets involved very much between the couple.

Secondly, Prawer-Jhabvala also highlights the culture clash through using images and languages. One of the images I found is that the reasons why Cathy doesn't work. She has experiences on "receptionist to a Harley Streetspecialist, a sales assistant in an airlines office and a waitress in a coffee bar." However, she knew it was impossible to get a job like that in India. "Because of her, or rather the family's, background and social standing." "The sort of jobs this background and social standing permitted her she was not qualified to do." Therefore, the main way of getting a job in India is nepotism. On the other hands, in England, individuals find works independently of family. And other images I found is that the attitude of family to Cathy's shopping trip. The mother said to Cathy, "One word, and I shall come myself with the car and take you". "Our girls don't go into these bazaars alone. It is not proper for us." Overly caring and involvement in the lives of the couple. It is not socially acceptable especially for a white woman to go to bazaars

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