
How Psychology Has Developed Over The Centuries

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This assignment begins by explaining how psychology has developed over the centuries to current day. Psychology did not become an independent area of study until the 19th century. Two theoretical perspectives will then be evaluated; the psychodynamic theory including the work of Freud. Followed by the biological theory, concluding with the conclusion.
Psychology has developed from philosophy, science, medicine and theology (King 2015). Back between 664-554BC in Egypt the temple – university Ipet Isut in Karnak existed, where Thales (physicists) was one of the first to go and got introduced to the Kemetic mystery system (Clark, 2011). Many of the early Greeks philosophers/scholars studied in Egypt and bought their knowledge back to Greece …show more content…

It was not until the 17th century Rene Descartes started thinking about if the mind and body are the same or different (Mastin 2008). His famous quote ‘Cognito, ergo sum’which means ‘I think, therefore I am’ which Rene tried to prove if he is real or not (Mastin 2008).
In 1690, John Locke theory of the mind that at birth the mind is a blank slate ready to write on with memories (Project 2007). Phrenology was developed by Franz Joseph Gall in the late 17th century. Franz suggested that one could understand someone’s personality by examining the head and feel the bumps on the skull (Cherry 2015). Even though phrenology’s methods did not last, some of the theory had experimental value (Landrum 2015). Psychophysics is possibly the area that moved from philosophers studying behaviour to psychology studying behaviour. Hermann von Helmholtz, Ernst Weber and Gustav Fechner are the three researches key in founding of psychology (Landrum 2015). Hermann von Helmholtz led the breakthrough research on the nervous system in 1852. Ernst Weber was also interested in sensory system and how it worked; he developed Weber’s Law (Landrum 2015). Weber’s Law gave psychology the idea of just noticeable difference, that is, the smallest difference between two stimuli that can be noted by person. (Landrum 2015). Gustav Fechner expands on Weber’s Law and is said to be the founder of psychophysics (Landrum 2015).
In the late 1850s Charles Darwin

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