
How Social Media Campaign Can Reap Revenue Essay

Decent Essays

How To Use Social Media Campaign to Reap Revenue

Today, the business marketplace is much more productive than any other point in the past history. Today, creating a social media presence for your company or brand has become a check-box item, a crucial part of creating brand awareness and connecting with the billions of social media users across the world. However, it 's powerfully choosy and is advantageous to only those who 're capable enough in mastering its complexity and thus rising above the clamor of concurrent competitive messages. Undoubtedly, the time-honored marketing avenues such as radio, television and print, have become completely outdated and thus have lost their supremacy in the past decade. The main reason behind this is the increasing use of the Internet and the ever exploding social media platforms.

According to a recent research report “State of B2B Social Media Marketing 2015″, 99% B2B marketers agreed that social networking platform is extremely crucial for their marketing campaigns, and 94% of them indicated that their primary social objective is to build a robust brand awareness.

According to Social Media Examiner, 's recent study 89% of marketers strongly agreed that they are interested in knowing the way to analyze and measure the social media 's ROI, but measuring is still illusive for many companies. If you are not properly engaging with your existing customers and target audience, then there is no no use of having social media accounts.

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