
How Somatic Experience Is Reflected In Spoken Therapy

Decent Essays

This workshop focuses on how somatic experience is reflected in spoken therapy. The workshop offers the perspective of a DMT and her endeavors to integrate this approach in her training in verbal psychotherapy. By using somatic experiences we will explore ways in which body awareness informs clinical practice. Followed by examples that illustrate the movement beyond the polarity of verbal and nonverbal. Participants will have a chance to see how bodily practice are used in verbal therapy. Finally, using both somatic and cognitive reflection, we will attempt to embrace the tension between dichotomizing and integrating the verbal and the nonverbal.
This workshop will provide a dance/movement therapy perspective to analyze spoken therapy. It will be focused on possible areas of integration and overlap that could make the bodily interventions and movement observation tools applicable in spoken therapy. The workshop will propose a perspective of moving beyond the …show more content…

After a brief overview of challenges in the use of nonverbal techniques in the “seemingly purely verbal” therapy, participants will be encouraged to use some of the techniques of movement observation, breathing and bodily awareness. Individual, dyadic and group experiences will be offered and time for participants to discuss in pairs and in group will be offered. The experiential part will be followed by the presentation of the clinical vignettes and examples from the workshop leader’s practice. Both somatic and cognitive reflection will be encouraged.

1. Attendees will be able to list and describe some of the main ideas in dance/movement therapy and analyze the ways in which this practice can be integrated with spoken therapy.
2. Attendees will gain tools that could guide them analyzing the influences of verbal and nonverbal processes in psychotherapy.
3. Attendees will be exposed to the somatic and cognitive interventions to be used in

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