
How Technology Can Be An Expert Designer

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Overview Weebly came to technology life in 2007 as a smart, simple platform to create websites and blogs that may use to display products, to manage works, to share the interest with others. The idea of Weebly created by ambitious college students, David Rusenko, Dan Veltri and Chris Fanini, who started their creative project from San Francisco. Weebly has chosen as one of the best 50 websites in the year of 2007. (Buechner, 2007)
Weebly is a wonderful online program that allows you to create easily an online website or blog to use it for a variety of purposes. If you are an educator, you can use Weebly to make the educational operation more valuable and enjoyable for your students. If you are a student, you can use Weebly to share your creativity and your interest with others. Everyone can enjoy Weebly free services and build his online community. Weebly offers its users many interesting and easy features that allowed them to create a high quality website without the need to be an expert designer. This paper will shade the light on how teachers can benefit from Weebly excellent services to create an online classroom easily and how that can reflect positively on students ' education.

Shifting attention to the virtual learning to meet the interests of students in the 21st-century Technology has become an important aspect of the 21st century. Therefore, educators should consider ways to

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