
How To Use Electronic Cigarettes

Satisfactory Essays

The proof of concept study shows “that sustained 55% of the participants with the overall 88% fall in number of cigarettes smoked per day” and the information from retailers of the electronic device shows that they have sold thousand hundred device have been sold and none has complained about the adverse effects(1). Based on this information we cannot generalize that the electronic cigarette usage will be beneficial. In the second patient, may be because of the distress in the throat along with dry cough would have led her to quit the habit. In case of third patient, since he had a history of COPD would have quit the habit in fear of complications, it may not necessarily be due to electronic cigarettes. One of the study conducted by the smoking cessation clinic at the Rochester, Minnesota salvation army good Samaritan health clinic (GHSU) also conducted a study approach on cessation of smoking and have also proved that the cessation program was successful in individuals with nicotine replacement program and this results showed that nicotine replacement therapy along with bupropion effect was lower than just under bupropion. (2) …show more content…

In contrast to that a snus was provided by the European Union ban, this is a moist snuff that provides mild levels of nicotine, it is neither chewed nor smoked. But in some countries the electronic devices are not available (1)
Take home message
From this case series we note that these individuals were able to quit the habit of smoking for after using the electronic device and the re-occurrence rate was low and no adverse effects that those chewable smokeless tobacco which contains nitrosamines, the agent that leads to oral

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