
How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis Speech

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On February 2, 2006, Bono, the lead singer of the rock band U2, took the podium at the 54th Annual Prayer Breakfast. His audience contained various religious leaders, the President of the United States, and other politicians. His moving speech focused on how religion changes the world, with one main purpose: to convince the audience to donate money to Africa. Bono attempted to reach the hearts and consciences of his audience. His speech was rich in emotion as he described the daily lives of underprivileged Africans. He connected with his audience and solidified his argument by quoting scriptures from various religious texts. His vivid imagery drew clear pictures in the minds of those who listened. His speech, was overall a exceedingly moving …show more content…

He states, “Six and a half thousand Africans are still dying every day of preventable treatable disease, for lack of drugs we can buy at any drug store.” This statement makes the audience think of the things they take for granted, like buying simple drugs at a drug store. Bono tries to put the audience in the shoes of an African by comparing life in Africa with life in first world countries. The speech is very appropriate for a venue, like the prayer breakfast, where religion is the main focal point. Bono discusses his religious background and discloses his personal belief in God. He urges his audience to help the world by connecting with them spiritually. “Love was on the move. Mercy was on the move. God was on the move.” This potent quote mixes both compassion and religion, two major components of pathos. By connecting with the audience he makes his argument more convincing and more likely to be believed. Bono summarizes the purpose of his speech and the main thing he is fighting for when he states, “Because there’s no way we can look at whats happing in Africa and, if we’re honest, conclude that deep down, we would let that happen anywhere else-- if we really accepted that Africans are equal to us.” This is a main idea that he is trying to get

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