
How Was Your Interest In Social Work Developed?. I Have

Decent Essays

How was your interest in social work developed?
I have had many different experiences which have cultivate my interest in the social work profession. My experience is the very personal story of growing up in a “middle class” family and watching my parents struggle with limited resources. My brother was born with cerebral palsy and has on several occasions stopped breathing. His condition required numerous hospitalizations and surgeries. While this was hard enough six years later I was born, 3 months early the result of a drunk driver hitting my mother’s car and was most likely not going to survive. When I was two years old finally meeting milestones and a seemingly healthy baby my father got a call about his nephew. A boy that no one …show more content…

When I was in high school I was still very unsure about pursuing a career in social work. Everyone around me was asking questions like “How much will you make?” or “What is the job outlook?” and making statements like “Well you better not plan on making much money at that!” I felt very unsure, growing up in a family that never had much, about getting a degree that didn’t have many financial prospects. When I was a senior I meet Mrs.Goostree, Goose for short. She taught Jobs for Illinois Graduate a program that help high school seniors build team leading and communication skills for the future. It has since been cut from the state budget but had an enormous impact on my life and my future. I was able to volunteer and learn that money, while it is great, isn’t everything. Goose taught me that I should do something because I love it regardless of the financial outlook. She would always say that she never worked a day in her life because she loved going to work and was passionate about her job. This is a lesson that has stuck with me through the years. She taught me to “Be the first penguin” and never be afraid of failure because it is sometimes the biggest learning opportunity; she acquire this lesson from Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture, a book that was a staple of our classroom and gave everyone a new outlook on life and the future. She is someone who hates compliments she is amazingly humble and would cringe at the thought of being

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