
How Will We Love By Chris Brickler

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"How Will We Love" is a documentary that takes place when Chris Brickler begins to interview his grandparents after their 63rd anniversary. He wanted to show the film to his family to continue their legacy. As he continues this interview, seeing the dynamics of their relationship pushes him to pursuit research of how other relationships exist and face pressure of failure. The film begins to explores the different dynamics involved in love, and interaction that occurs among/within heterosexual relationships. "How Will We Love" demonstrates the many dynamics that could challenge a relationship from being healthy and successful.
Whereas love has many happy and wonderful memories, the film also narrates the rough and persistent trials that many relationships experience. Another wonderful advantage to this film is the clear portrayal of a healthy, long lasting relationship-along with what it takes to be happy with your partner.
"How Will We Love" correlates with Chapter 12-Divorce. One instance is when a man recalls a billboard in town that says "Life is short, have an affair!". He discusses how, while he realizes it is a way to market a website, is a sad representation of how marriage is socially constructed throughout our society. I think that the man gives a good example, many outlets throughout media portray divorce and adultery as desirable and worth losing a marriage over. While marriage is slowly becoming less of a lifelong commitment, there are still many who believe

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