
How an Understanding of Human Growth and Development Can Assist the Counsellor

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I. Introduction

A. In my essay will explain how an understanding of human growth and development can assist the counsellor in responding to the needs of the client. I have chosen three theories in three different models. My first model is psychodynamic and I will look at Sigmund frauds theory of development. The second model is humanistic and I will be covering Rogers and Maslow. My last model I will cover in this essay is social Erikson’s lifespan development theory. My essay will look at the theories and the application of each theory and I shall explain how an understanding of human growth and development can assist the counsellor in responding to the needs of the client.

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12-18 is the genital stage. Young adults develop interests in the opposite sex, like previously in the phallic stage. the body is changing in terms of the growing of pubic hair growing, periods, in young males semen being produced .because of social restrictions adolescents shift their sexual energies to other forms of interaction such as sport, friendships and career mapping(Gerald Corey). If this stage is not managed with positivity and acceptance then personality disorders can take place. And the last stage is 18-35 the genital continued. The genital sage is the longest stage and continues to 60
+.becoming and being an adult .freedom to do as you please, love who you want, work where you want no parental restriction, a person has now become an adult (Gerald Corey). Responsibilities are taken, intimate relationships are formed and the capacity to want to understand others is formed (Gerald coyer).if the stages were inadequate, not positive then there can be problems, fraud calls these problems fixations. As noted earlier there are 5 stages, oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital. Successful completion of stages determines how the next stage is managed. An example would be a caregiver did not meet the needs of a child in the oral stage, in terms of the giving of food (breastfeeding). The child may later develop trust issues, personality disorders due to the wanting feeling, the pleasure principle of the id has an impact because the

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