I. Introduction
A. In my essay will explain how an understanding of human growth and development can assist the counsellor in responding to the needs of the client. I have chosen three theories in three different models. My first model is psychodynamic and I will look at Sigmund frauds theory of development. The second model is humanistic and I will be covering Rogers and Maslow. My last model I will cover in this essay is social Erikson’s lifespan development theory. My essay will look at the theories and the application of each theory and I shall explain how an understanding of human growth and development can assist the counsellor in responding to the needs of the client.
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12-18 is the genital stage. Young adults develop interests in the opposite sex, like previously in the phallic stage. the body is changing in terms of the growing of pubic hair growing, periods, in young males semen being produced .because of social restrictions adolescents shift their sexual energies to other forms of interaction such as sport, friendships and career mapping(Gerald Corey). If this stage is not managed with positivity and acceptance then personality disorders can take place. And the last stage is 18-35 the genital continued. The genital sage is the longest stage and continues to 60
+.becoming and being an adult .freedom to do as you please, love who you want, work where you want no parental restriction, a person has now become an adult (Gerald Corey). Responsibilities are taken, intimate relationships are formed and the capacity to want to understand others is formed (Gerald coyer).if the stages were inadequate, not positive then there can be problems, fraud calls these problems fixations. As noted earlier there are 5 stages, oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital. Successful completion of stages determines how the next stage is managed. An example would be a caregiver did not meet the needs of a child in the oral stage, in terms of the giving of food (breastfeeding). The child may later develop trust issues, personality disorders due to the wanting feeling, the pleasure principle of the id has an impact because the
* M1 Discuss the principal psychological perspectives applied to the understanding of the development of individuals
Erikson’s (1968, 1980, 1982) psychosocial stages of development provide a framework for the different stages of development throughout the human lifespan. These stages of development begin at birth and continue until death, and separate the lifespan into eight stages based on chronological age. Within these eight different aging stages are corresponding psychosocial stages. Each of these psychosocial stages represent a conflict between two characteristics of development for that particular time period in a person’s life.
One of the biggest changes during adolescence is that of sexual development, and young adults are constantly fighting these powerful
This paper serves to apply the knowledge learned throughout the course, COUN 502, to the development and growth in my lifespan. I will aim to demonstrate a working knowledge of the theories, terminology, and concepts of human growth and development. I will show how these disciplines apply to my own life experiences and how I did throughout my key life events, through the use of empirical studies.
Lifespan development is essential, as it is the changes that happen to us throughout a person’s lifespan. Our development occurs at ages stages where we develop from infancy till death. This essay will contain my life story to display the domains in 5 age stages in my lifespan development. The domains I will be exploring is in this essay is physical, emotional, cognitive, social, cultural and moral domain. The influence of biological and environmental play a significant role in my development. Development is influenced by nature or nurture and its affect will occur throughout lifespan. The changes that occur during development have stage. Each theorists has stages of development where they display the changes. This essay will explore my
How does an infant develop into an adult? The answer is not as obvious as it seems. There are a variety of factors that contribute to human development. A person not only grows physically but also cognitively and socio-emotionally. This paper will explain two theories; one cognitive and one socio-emotional; about human development. The two theories will be described, compared, contrasted and individually evaluated based on the strong points and limitations.
Kraus, K. L. (2008). Lenses: Applying Lifespan Development Theories in Counseling. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
The method in which children come into their development is a very significant procedure that every person should be able to recognize. Children are not all the same so their development is not the same either. In fact, most children cannot even be treated the same when in regards to their development. To get a better understanding that involves the way children and teenagers grow a person would need to really recognize and comprehend the model of human development. This essay will emphasis on the Bio ecological Model of Human development; the diverse systems that are within human development and also how each of the systems are different.
The second stage is age’s one through three. Freud called this stage the Anal Stage. The children start to potty training and learn that they control how and when they go. This the only area that they can fully control. This can develop two different personalities. Anal retentive can develop when potty training is done too early or is too harsh. McLeod wrote, “Early or harsh potty training can lead to the child becoming an anal-retentive personality who hates mess, is obsessively tidy, punctual and respectful of authority” (McLeod 14). The second personality is anal expulsive, where the potty training was too lenient. The child shares with everyone around them. This is also where they can develop either a good or bad relationship with authority. Erikson calls this stage Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt. This is where the child will be
Human growth and development is studied and researched with differing perspectives. There are many ways human growth and development can be looked at. Certain disciplines, such as, biology, psychology and sociology all have opposing viewpoints on the subject. The psychological viewpoint concentrates on the different processes of the mind, whereas, the biological approach is centred on genetics and environmental factors. The sociological viewpoint, however, focuses on individual thoughts and feelings as being socially constructed (Beckett and Taylor, 2010). Human growth and development is researched across the whole lifespan, however, for this
I believe that adult development theory is not sufficiently emphasized in our psychology and counseling training schools. This is unfortunate, because I believe it offers a unique and helpful perspective to the task of psychotherapy. Because I wish to offer to my prospective patients some idea of the importance of this topic, and how it informs my clinical practice, I offer below a synopsis of the theory and its development.
Latency, the fourth stage of psychosexual development, begins around age six and ends around age eleven. The traumas that occur in the phallic stage cause the sexual urges to be suppressed and channeled into focusing on education and play. The fifth and final stage of psychosexual development is known as the genital phase that starts around age twelve and continues on. During the final stage puberty causes the sexual urges to return and adolescents must learn to how to conduct them in an acceptable manner. If a
There are five stages to this development. These stages were established by Sigmund Freud. The five stages are: oral phase, anal phase, phallic stage, latency stage, and the genital stage. The first stage, oral, deals with gratification through oral activities, the second stage, anal, is the gratification through elimination of waste, the third stage, phallic, is gratification through the genital areas (attachment to parent of opposite sex), the fourth stage, latency, is when sexual feelings remain unconscious (cooties), and the fifth stage, genital, is the nature of sexual development. If someone has too much or not enough gratification in one of the stages, they could develop characteristics of that stage which is called
In the field of Psychology there are many different topics that come about when learning about the essentials of life span development. Life span development consists of numerous things that people encounter from birth, childhood, adolescents, and adulthood. Today let's analyze the gender differences between the timing of an adolescent's first sexual behavior. The reason for these differences between the gender can be made up of multiple things. Some researchers may say that sexual orientation, race, culture or other demographic characteristics play a role. When looking at this particular topic, for boys participating in sexual behaviors is consider normally. Where as for a girl it is looked downed on because of the risk of pregnancy at a young age. The timing for boys and girls first sexual behavior mainly depends on the maturity and physical level of the adolescents. Most can confirm that it is likely for girls to mature faster than boys because of the physical changes and thought process that happens so fast within the female adolescent's body.
This stage last from ages 2-3 years old. This stage corresponds to Freud 's anal stage. Initiative vs. Guilt is the stage where a developing child must be active in their environment. The ages of this stage are 3-5 years old. The child needs to have a sense of purpose. Industry vs. Inferiority is the stage where a child develops competence. The ages for this stage are 6-11 years old. These are the school years of a child 's life. Ego Identity Vs. Role Confusion is the stage where a child is in their adolescent years. The ages of this stage are 12-18 years old. The teenager is going through puberty and is noticing members of the opposite sex. Intimacy Vs. Isolation is the stage where the person is trying to find a mate for themselves. The ages for this stage are 18-24 years old. They want love. Generativity Vs. Stagnation is the stage where the now adult is working and they want to be a mentor for other children. the ages in this stage are 25-64 years old. The last stage of Erickson 's theory is Ego Integrity Vs. Despair. In this last stage a person needs to become comfortable with the life that they are living and have lived. The ages of this last stage are from 65-death.