
How to Bake Colonial Bread Essay

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Introduction Crisp, brown, delicious -- these all describe the sensation of bread, a food that has managed to survive throughout time. Thought to be created more than 7000 years ago, bread has played a role as a staple food from the Ancient Egyptians to the people of today. Bread is now used as a main food source that is eaten all over the world. Even in the midst of the colonial times, colonists created bread as a main food product in their time. Bread was made in the colonists' daily lives, for it was a versatile food that was simple to make. By following steps and having some patience, we may recreate bread like the colonists once did.
Step 1: PREHEAT THE OVEN Before …show more content…

As you transition from using the spoon to your hands when mixing the dough, you will notice that the dough will end up with a rugged look. Be sure to clean the sides of the bowl with the dough. With the dough ready, it is now time to move on to kneading.
Step 3: KNEADING THE DOUGH To begin kneading, you must lightly sprinkle flour on a wooden surface or counter, about 1 tablespoon. Cover your hands with flour and plop the dough on the working area. Hold one side of the dough with one hand and stretch the top portion of the dough with another hand without tearing it. Turn the dough and continue kneading for 8 to 10 minutes until the dough is smooth and stretchy. Add flour to the dough if it still is sticky and toss it 2 to 3 times during kneading.
Step 4: FERMENTING THE DOUGH Once the dough has been kneaded, it is time to allow the yeast in the bread to rise. First, settle the dough in the original mixing bowl that is lightly spread with flour. Tapping the dough with lightly buttered fingers is not necessary, but will prevent the dough's surface from drying up. With a dry towel, cover the bowl and place the it in a warm area around 80-85oF for 1 hour. The dough should be twice its original size once finished rising. A tip to check if the dough has risen is to poke one finger into the dough. If the dent stays, the dough has properly risen.
Step 5: SHAPING AND SECOND RISING With the dough

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