
How to Win Friends and Influence People - a Personal Analysis

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"The more you get out of this book, the more you'll get out of life." This is the claim that Dale Carnegie makes in reference to his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Carnegie proposes that there are four main ideas that one should use when dealing with people: 1) Know how to handle people, 2) Make people like you, 3) Win people to their way of thinking, and 4) Be a leader. These skills are essential not only in being a good manager, but also in dealing with people in day to day life. 1) Fundamental Techniques in Handling People The first thing one must know when handling people is "don't criticize, condemn, or complain." When you criticize someone, you put yourself at a level above them. Even if you get your point …show more content…

Another very important tip is to "be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves." This is a lesson I learned after coming back from studying abroad. I had so many stories to tell and I wanted to show EVERYONE my pictures. But I had forgotten that they all had their stories too and didn't necessarily want listen to me ramble on about my adventures in Spain for hours and hours. Luckily, I have a great group of friends who didn't mind hearing my tales, and expressed a genuine interest in what I had to say. It made me appreciate what great friends I have. Which brings me to Carnegie's final principle, "make the other person feel important, and to it sincerely." 3) How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking First of all, "the only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it." This relates back to the concept of not criticizing or condemning people. No good can come of an argument, all that will follow is one or both of the parties involved leaving with remorse and ill will. After living with three people in a small apartment this year, I have mastered the art of avoiding confrontation. We decided right away to split up the chores (garbage, dishes, vacuuming, etc…) so that nobody can point fingers at each other if something doesn't get done. We all know our roll. This leads into two more of Carnegie's principles: "Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view." Also, "be sympathetic with the

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