"The more you get out of this book, the more you'll get out of life." This is the claim that Dale Carnegie makes in reference to his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Carnegie proposes that there are four main ideas that one should use when dealing with people: 1) Know how to handle people, 2) Make people like you, 3) Win people to their way of thinking, and 4) Be a leader. These skills are essential not only in being a good manager, but also in dealing with people in day to day life. 1) Fundamental Techniques in Handling People The first thing one must know when handling people is "don't criticize, condemn, or complain." When you criticize someone, you put yourself at a level above them. Even if you get your point …show more content…
Another very important tip is to "be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves." This is a lesson I learned after coming back from studying abroad. I had so many stories to tell and I wanted to show EVERYONE my pictures. But I had forgotten that they all had their stories too and didn't necessarily want listen to me ramble on about my adventures in Spain for hours and hours. Luckily, I have a great group of friends who didn't mind hearing my tales, and expressed a genuine interest in what I had to say. It made me appreciate what great friends I have. Which brings me to Carnegie's final principle, "make the other person feel important, and to it sincerely." 3) How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking First of all, "the only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it." This relates back to the concept of not criticizing or condemning people. No good can come of an argument, all that will follow is one or both of the parties involved leaving with remorse and ill will. After living with three people in a small apartment this year, I have mastered the art of avoiding confrontation. We decided right away to split up the chores (garbage, dishes, vacuuming, etc ) so that nobody can point fingers at each other if something doesn't get done. We all know our roll. This leads into two more of Carnegie's principles: "Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view." Also, "be sympathetic with the
Carnegie offers many way and approaches to communicate and deal with people and therefore by applying his methods become a more effective leader. Carnegie shares simple key techniques to create instant rapport and influence others. This could have been used as the human intelligence collector’s nineteenth century field manual. Three central techniques for dealing with people: “Don’t criticize, condemn or complain, give honest and sincere appreciation, and arouse in the other person an eager want.” (p.16).
You have to pick the appropriate time to give feedback. This should be done as soon as possible after the event has occurred. Feedback is meant to be given in real time so it is in the person’s mind. When feedback is given too late after the incident the value of the constructive feedback is less.
As we go through our day to day lives be it at work or in other settings there will always be times when you disagree with other adults. The way that you cope with these disagreements is very important. You must ensure that you always remain calm and polite, no matter how
Use the appropriate language and vocabulary for the person you are talking to and ask open questions.
I chose this book in hope that it could help me understand the difference between managing and leading. In addition, I wanted to gain more knowledge and tools to help myself grow as a leader and help develop all of my subordinates that I may have to time throughout my career. The book jacket for this book is ultimately why I decided to read the book because it truly grabbed my attention. I found it interesting that John C. Maxwell is a #1 New York Times bestselling author (Maxwell, 2013). Moreover, the book jacket continued to catch my attention by stating to be more than a boss people are required to follow, you must master the ability to inspire and invest in people (Maxwell, 2013). I particularly found the “invest in people” line most interesting and caused me to want to read and learn more about the authors perspective on leadership.
In Leadership 101 by John Maxwell, the author uses practical application points to give guidance on what it takes to be good leader. The book is divided in three parts, linking the development, traits and impacts of a leader, with a series of questions that the author answers. He also uses real-life stories and quotes from leaders such as the McDonald brothers and Princess Diana, to demonstrate leadership principles. The author also uses these examples and a detailed framework to help the readers enhance the leadership abilities they already possess. Maxwell suggests that in order to be a successful leader you need to; Follow your vision and bring others with you, produce a lasting legacy, grow the loyalty of your followers, make continual
* Dr. Cialdini explained that commitments are more powerful when they are active; public; effortful; and viewed as internally motivated. The statement of the commentator is accurate because the motorcycle owners had made their commitment public by tattooing their commitment on their
“The more you get out of this book, the more you’ll get out of life.” This is the claim that Dale Carnegie makes in reference to his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Carnegie proposes that there are four main ideas that one should use when dealing with people: 1) Know how to handle people, 2) Make people like you, 3) Win people to their way of thinking, and 4) Be a leader. These skills are essential not only in being a good manager, but also in dealing with people in day to day life.
Some of the aspects that I feel like I could improve on include feeling more comfortable speaking in front of groups and feeling more confident in what I am saying, and not just going through the motions. This can play a role in how much eye contact I have with the group as well. The more comfortable I am with the information and the more confident
Dale Carnegie's book How to Win Friends and Influence People gives several proven methods and examples on how to succeed in the business world. The book's chapters are comprised of how to handle people, how to be a successful leader, and how to win people to your way of thinking. The preface provides several ideas and suggestions that will help the reader get the most out of the book. The author suggests that the reader keep an open mind, and also suggest some other reading materials that will also help.
Being an excellent listener is one of the best ways to become a good communicator. Throughout the group work, the author demonstrated great communication skills when listening to her team’s different ideas and then taking them on board to create the best results. Fellow team members will appreciate good listening skills, and so in return, it will have a positive impact to the group’s mood, and encouraging them to be confident to speak up and say their thoughts as they know their ideas are being listened too.
Oliver suggests you try to understand the behavior. You don 't have to like it, but you might be able to handle it with less bias.
Break the ice with new colleagues or with your boss when you start a new job.
Listen to others. When listening to others, people learn how others feel. People will tell you about their life, the good and bad times. It will help you grow as a person and learn how to be
Be part of the discussion but don’t just talk. When you are attending an event, you want to be part of the occasion and not just end up sitting in a corner. Remember to talk and engage in conversation, even when the topics might not seem that interesting to you. Just make sure you’re not the only one talking and never make everything you say about you.