
Howdy Do?-Personal Narrative

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From between the bars over the window I glared at the back of the guard’s head before the first door shut. Then came the slam and clicking of the second and third doors- and the sound of his shoes tapping the ground faded as I was left in solitary confinement. The cold air blowing in bit my face and arms; I shivered. There’s nothing I hate more than feeling weak- I wish I’d have remembered that before kicking my inmate in the face. It was pretty funny, though…
I guess the cold got to me, because the next thing I heard was my father’s voice!
“Mei! Howdy do?” Something tickled my left shoulder, and, being in a straight jacket, the most I could do was whack at whatever it was with my head. “Yowie!” Pa hollered. I snickered for about a second,

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