Good evening, Owen.
Thank you for your response. I have read a couple of responses, and they are similar, in that they mention that professional educators mix and match approaches to curriculum, more than, perhaps, stick to one flavor. I mentioned in my post that I began as a supporter of the behavioral approach to curriculum. Yet, now, I am full time teacher of record in a prime example of the humanistic approach—and I love it. I am an engineer by spirit, so I tend toward the behavior and systems approaches by nature. However, I’ve been involved in the International Baccalaureate curriculum for the past 6 years, first as a parent, then as a substitute in the classroom, and currently as teacher of record for Middle School Science. I’ve watched my own children mature in the system, and then fail, because of their point of entry. I’ve seen other children mature from Kindergarten to Middle School and have noticed the difference between those who started here in Kindergarten and those who came within two years prior to Middle School.
Having said all that, I feel that I have had the opportunity to experience the behavioral approach to
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Furthermore, I am proud to say our school is a C rating despite the testing. Ornstein and Hunkins (2017) noted that the behavioral approach was “based on a plan…a blueprint…or document”. They noted that learning outcomes were evaluated in relation to the goals and objective put into place. More significantly, Ornstein and Hunkins offered Frederick Taylor’s “Machine Theory” as a comparison to the efficiency and effective nature expected from the behavioral approach (p. 2). Don’t get me wrong, I still see potential in the behavioral approach to curriculum—but children are not
Everything teachers plan and do should focus on the individual child. They tailor, adjust, and adapt the curriculum to fit each child in the program, rather than expecting children to fit the program (Elkind, 1987). It is imperative in a developmentally appropriate perspective that the curriculum and teaching methods be age appropriate, individually appropriate, and culturally appropriate (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997). This means considering and understanding similarities within an age group, and also recognizing each child’s individual differences. In a developmentally appropriate classroom, children are allowed to progress at their own rate, and both the curriculum and teaching strategies are relevant for all the children in the classroom. Thus, a great deal of flexibility is required, but this does not mean a total lack of structure and academics; rather, it means that the structure and academics of the program are based on individual and group needs and current understanding of child development (Raines, 1997).
The humanistic approach is a person-centred approach which depends on trust between the patient and care giver. It is useful because it is non-intrusive and it gives people a choice to change their life. It is also used in lots of situations, this shows it is used often. However, it ignores people’s behaviour and is short term so this can affect the care given as the carer won’t keep an eye on the behaviour which is very important to observe when providing care.
Some people feel that when diagnosed with a mental illness they are being labelled into a category they are seen as mentally ill instead of them having a mental illness unfortunately there are so many negative stereotypes which are pinned with mental illness, according to the labelling theory it’s the thought of a person being labelled mentally ill which can cause you to be ill mentally as a result of its effects described as a self-fulfilling prophecy according to a modified version of this theory. There are assumptions about the negative impact on self-concept, this impact is described in later research about stigma and self-stigma, stigma can have some negative results for self-concept by lowing self-efficacy which can make impaired coping
A person centred approach is putting another individual’s needs, preferences and abilities at the heart of the care which you provide them. Not only is a person centred approach to be used in a working environment, but also in personal circumstances where others, such as family members and friends, are involved. This document evaluates my own strengths when implementing the person centred approach as well as my weaknesses when I might fail to implement this approach; providing areas of improvement. Implementing the person centred approach within work placement highlighted my ability to adapt an activity to make it beneficial for an individual’s development. I have not only utilised this ability in a work placement, but within my personal life.
It is said that humanistic psychology was developed upon the limitations of behaviourism. The humanistic approach is often referred to as the “third force” in psychology coming after psychoanalysis and behaviourism; it is an alternative approach to psychology (Maslow, 1968). It offered a more wholesome approach to psychology at the time in comparison to behaviourism and psychoanalysis. This essay will compare and contrast behaviourism and humanistic psychology; it will focus on their contributions to psychological theory and their applications in the real world.
Skilled and effective nursing practice is a combination of art and science. Both the art and science of nursing are employed when working with a patient on their health goals. The art of healing is the communicative and relationship building skills while the science of nursing is the technical skills related to the field. Throughout nursing history, theories have been developed that attempt to explain the role of the nurse. These theories often try to either explain the science or art of nursing. Some of these theories attempt to combine the two. In order to understand nursing theory one must also understand the nursing practice. To help readers appreciate the role of the nurse and to understand both the science and art of nursing this paper will discuss nursing as a human science, the nursing theories related to this concept and will offer ways the theory of Humanistic Nursing impacts nursing practice.
The focus of this paper is the person-centered approach, which is the understanding of personality and human relationships in psychotherapy and counseling in the areas of client-centered therapy, education of student-centered learning, organizations, and other group settings. Even though psychoanalysis and behaviorism have made major contributions to psychology, it has influenced the understanding and practices of the humanistic movement, specifically with the therapies for the different mental disorders. Psychoanalysis understands the unconscious behavior, behaviorism focuses on the conditioning process that produces behavior. Humanistic psychology focuses on the person's potential to act as a whole person in a nurturing environment by
It is my desire as a role model and teacher to help students by meeting them where they are at and reach their fullest potential by providing an environment that is safe, supports risk-taking, and invites ideas to be shared openly. It is my goal to teach students effective tools to gain a voice and be able to identify and understand other voices in this world. I believe the ideal curriculum is one which provides students with extensive individual freedom and requires them to ask their own questions, conduct their own inquiries, and draw on their own conclusions. My lessons and instruction will only be powerful if I have spent time establishing relationships and an effective behavior management system with my students. Also, by providing students access to hands-on activities and allowing adequate time and space to use materials that reinforce the lesson being studied, creates an opportunity for individual discovery and construction of knowledge to
In my opinion,I do support an integrative approach.By merging our seven perspectives of mind, we stand a much better chance of tackling the remarkable problem of understanding the human mind”.A person or psychologist would have to understand a person’s whole picture to understand the problem or how the problem got there in the place order to fix the problem.For example, if an individual is full of hate and spite a good therapist would first find out what made that person that way to begin,for instance if the victim was raped she or he would be treated differently then some one that was angry because he/she lost a parent when they were young or saw their best friend killed.Some patients have mentally ill parents, for instants, like the movie
In chapter one of The Fourth Way, Hargreaves and Shirley (2009) describe three ways of change that have defined global economic policy dating back to the 1960’s to the 21st century. Hargreaves and Shirley recognize that traditional ways of changing policy and social reform for education are no longer suitable for education change in the 21st century. Today’s reform calls for fast and flexible approaches for the many facets of education that are emerging in today’s classrooms. State reform and professional freedom are the first ways of change that were brought amongst educators. This led our nation to innovations and new social movements, “in the form of experimentation, innovation, free-schooling, deschooling, and teaching in primary and elementary
As an ECE, I also place importance on child-made discoveries, this is what guides my curriculum orientation. I believe in an emergent approach that is responsive to the children’s interests and creates meaningful experiences through inquiry and play-based learning. This curriculum takes a child-initiated, collaborative, and responsive approach to teaching and meeting needs. Rather than starting with a lesson plan of imposed skills for them to learn, I would use the observations of the children for insight into their interests and develop the curriculum around
This review is written to engage with the AbuAlRub and Alghamdi (2012) ideas, theories, and information; to rethink and extend ideas in the field of health administration; and to show how their analytical response to an article was worthy of consideration. After reviewing the article, the reviewer applied the humanistic learning theory from one of the implications in order to able to retrieve the nurses' thoughts and opinions. The applying of this theory helps in making good management decisions and then, helping in increasing the level of job satisfaction. The reviewer also suggested new variables according to the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs and introduced their effects on the article's issue. Lastly, this academic article is
There are many different theories of how people learn and in considering their application to how students learn and how teachers teach; educational programmes must be of holistic value. Learning according to the humanistic theory speaks to the holistic value that must be communicated through the process of acquiring new
I prefer to use a holistic method of teaching which utilizes the best aspects of the main theories of teaching. I like to use as many strategies and styles as possible in my teaching to ensure that I reach all my students, and keep them engaged. Behaviourism considers how students are moulded by the input of the teacher and appropriate rewards, and is useful for keeping control of the classroom. Cognitive and humanist theories however assume that learners are able to make independent choices. They take into account the students own learning styles, aptitudes and psychology and deal with how the teacher can include everyone in his teaching presentations.
Leslie White, Edward Wilson, Clifford Geertz, and Sally Slocum demonstrate different scientific and humanistic approaches, as they explore how humans should be studied and understood. In order to further understand the scientific and humanistic approaches of these social scientist, a more in depth examination at how these different approaches are defined is essential. Erickson and Murphy (2013) establish science as a system in which “people and God are treated as secondary to nature” and humanism as “God and nature treated as secondary to people.” However I would argue against these descriptions; I think both approaches are scientific in nature, if science is as seen as a particular method of accumulating data that reaches toward answering particular questions. Both approaches collect information in order to answer researchers questions. Where these approaches seem to differ, is how or what kind of questions the researcher is looking to answer and the information or data the researcher collects.