
I Am My Love For Reading

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Today I am redeveloping my love for reading thanks to my little siblings, Alex and Faith. If it was not for them I do not think that light would have been relit. As a child I loved reading and it was something I did every day without even thinking about it. However, due to negative experiences in school I lost my love for reading and it was something I grew up resenting. I am so delighted to be redeveloping my love for reading because I forgot just how relaxing it was and how digging into a good book can make you feel as if you are one of the characters in the story. I think my love of reading as a child developed because my mom read to me. It was something I did every night. However, once Scholastic Reader tests started my love of reading changed into resentment for reading, as I was never able to read what I wanted. As soon as my book options were taken from me and I was forced to only read books I could take tests on I just stopped reading. This is a trend that happened all throughout middle school because I was required to take Scholastic tests every single year through eighth grade. Then once high school came along I was still so angry and had such animosity towards reading I never got back into it. My early experiences really impacted the reader I have become. Due to the fact I stopped reading I went from a strong reader to a not as strong reader. Also, not being a reader has impacted the literate person I am. When you read your vocabulary is more advanced. I

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