
I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud Analysis

Decent Essays

Analyzing Figurative Language of: “I wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by Williams Wordsworth. I decided to choose this poem, “I wandered lonely as a Cloud” by Williams Wordsworth because it pictures a beautiful natural scene in the mind of the readers. I love natural beauty and flowers and I can easily relate this poem to the marigold flowers I have planted this summer. I like this poem because it makes one feel good about the world, even if you’re lonely. Even though I don’t have a back yard garden, the sight of these flowers gently dancing in the breeze makes me feel like in a garden with so many plants and trees. This poem also brings out the author’s love for nature and how elegantly he describes a host of daffodils beside a lake. The figurative …show more content…

It says that even when you’re alone and missing your friends you can use your imaginations to make new friends in the world around you. In the first stanza “I wandered lonely as a cloud…” is a simile where the poet is comparing himself to a cloud wandering alone. The word ‘wandered’ means roaming around without a purpose or to explore something. Perhaps the poet has nothing to do or is uninterested in the things around him. The figurative language used conveys a monotonous tone of the poem. In the second stanza, the poet uses simile to compare the host of daffodils to the continuous stars that shine and twinkle on the Milky Way. He uses the words like “never- ending” and “continuous” to compare the quantity of the flowers to the continuity of the stars. This poem also conveys the authors love nature and how elegantly he describes the daffodils. These lines convey the message that the narrator is overjoyed and quite excited by the natural scenic beauty of the golden …show more content…

The poet who was idle in the beginning of the poem is now quite excited by the sight of the daffodils beside the lake. He uses personification to describe the golden daffodils dancing and fluttering in the breeze. The figurative language used here conveys that the monotonous tone of the poem suddenly shifted to a quite lively and cheerful tone. In the above mentioned stanza, the poet used imagery that helped the readers to create a beautiful scenic image in their minds. Here the figurative language is important because the beauty of the poem lies in the imagery that the poet

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