Why do you want to be a Democracy Coach? What excites you about this particular position?
I want to be a Democracy Coach because most young people don’t care about politics and think that they have no say in politics. There is the perception that one person can’t change anything and that one person doesn’t matter. I would like to help young people realize that their opinion does matter and if there is something that they want to change in their community or on a broader level, they can. They have the ability to make change happen and I as a Democracy Coach want them to know that. I want to be able to help them realize all they can do and help them enact the change they want to see. Young people are the future and we have to help them realize that in the future they have a voice and they should use it. I know that until I took a political science course my senior year of high school, I didn’t think I had a say in politics. But my political science teacher helped me realize that I did
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A soccer team is a bit like its own little government in a way; you have the leaders (the coaches), you have the representative (the team captains) and you have the citizens (the other members of the team). As a player for three years and a captain for my senior year, I believe I have learned a lot about how to be a member of a team. I have learned how to motivate and encourage people when it gets hard. I have learned how to deal with people and resolve problems. I have learned how to listen to the needs of my teammates and how to make sure those needs were met. I have learned that sometimes you fail and you want to give up, but you have to be resilient and push forward. I’ve learned how to plan and work with those who are higher up than you. All in all, I have learned the way to be successful with a group of
In Scholastic Scrimmage, I found a community of people who were as curious to learn new things as I was and as competitive (in a good way) as I was, and still am. I became captain of the Varsity Scholastic Scrimmage team in my junior year because of my dedication to the club. As captain, I established a plan in which players would be on the same teams in practices and competitions to grow as teams rather than free radicals with no direction or commitment, which was one of the major problems of the club in the past. The impact was immediate and it established chemistry between players and their teams. Many of my friends have expressed new dedication to their teams and Scholastic Scrimmage and I attribute this change to the team's first EPC
Many people never understand the importance of team sports and activities until they have been a part of one. Being involved in a team demonstrates personal strengths can be used to grow as a team. Being a part of my soccer team, Fox Run, for seven years of my life truly changed every person on the team. Even though our team has split apart due to seniors graduating, the lessons we learned will continue to last forever. From fourth grade to eleventh, the sport through Fox Run has shown me to respect others, create lasting friendships, and persevere through the wins and losses.
I have demonstrated the qualities of a capable and trusted leader through my involvement in my school, work, and community activities. I have held a part-time job at my church's daycare where I help create a safe, loving, caring, and nurturing learning environment for children of the ages zero to five. All the while, I have continued to be an active member in school functions and be in leadership positions in various clubs. Currently, I am serving as the District 17 FBLA President and the President of Northeast Vernon County's National Honor's Society Chapter. I have also been involved with sports throughout my high school years where I also demonstrated leadership abilities serving as our cheerleading Captain last year and Co-Captain the year
Over the years, playing soccer has taught me what it takes to succeed. From months of tough practices, I have gained a hard work ethic. From my coaches and fellow teammates, I have learned to work well with others in a group, as it is necessary to cooperate with teammates on the playing field. But most important, I have also gained self-confidence. If I fail, it doesn't' t matter if they mock or ridicule me; I will simply try again and do it better. I realize that it is necessary to risk failure in order to gain success. The
This has taught me organizational skills since I am constantly monitoring them at practice and telling them where they can improve and where they are excelling. Planning practices with the team has also made me have to keep track of my teammates daily lives, and plan it so it doesn't interfere with their other responsibilities, to ensure everyone gets an equal amount of training. This skill has been useful for me when I have to plan other schedules outside of sports. I need to write timetables for coworkers at the restaurant, my own timetable, and keep up on homework to maintain high grades in school. The organization skills I developed throughout being a captain of the rugby team will help me throughout life now, and in the
Sophomore year, I was elected team Captain of the Fairfield Union Girls Varsity Soccer team. Even though I was ecstatic to be a leader for the soccer team, I did feel slightly out of place, since there were many girls that were much older than I and wished to uphold a Captain position. I decided it was right for me, as a co-captain, to let the others lead with words, while I,
Like for example, I was the shortstop and I had an important role to be the cut off for the outfielders but I had to communicate with them and tell them where to locate the ball or where to throw it. Besides being a leader, participating in this sport taught me that I also have to be a follower. I learned that you cant always be the leader in the situation because it may start tension in the team.
Being able to work with others is a big lesson one will learn from being a part of a sports team. Working with other is really all one does while being on a sports team. That is one big reason why they call it a team. Also, one will learn to push himself to the limit in practice and in the games. If a player is not pushing himself, then they are not giving all they have to help the team.
I started out as a student-athlete in which I depicted great leadership skills and positive role model qualities such as diligence, enthusiasm, and passion for the sport. Hence, after my first year of college, I was named the team captain. I worked closely with the coaches, helped to resolve team conflicts, established the tone for practice, and modeled responsibility, decision-making, and a strong work ethic. I also promoted a positive attitude and team interactions, and encouraged and supported all of my teammates. Throughout my experience as team captain, I showed mental toughness by remaining confident and focus, and respond to individual and team mistakes in an appropriate manner.
I never thought being chosen as captain, for my high school robotics team, would make me more responsible and learn to rely on others. The experience of leading a team, changed not only how interact with people, but also how I handle stressful situations. Becoming the captain of the team taught me that I need to take not only responsibility of my actions, but the actions of those who I lead, how to be a proper leader, and when a stressful or difficult situation comes up how one should weather the storm.
As time goes on fewer and fewer people between the ages of 18 and 24 are paying attention to government activity. Many young people do not have an active participation in government. They are unaware, unsure, and uninterested in what’s going on with today’s governing body. This is a problem considering that those people are a large part of the future of this country. To solve this issue, modifications need to be made... changes that can start right here on Trine’s campus. Students cannot be expected to vote if they do not understand how the whole process works. They need to be made more aware of the government’s actions and how it actually works. The lack of involvement could be due to a lack of knowledge and therefore a lack of participation.
It gave me friends for life, unforgettable memories, and much more. I play a lot of soccer outside of school for different teams, but the feeling of playing for the school gave me a different feeling especially toward the end of my 12th grade year. I was the Captain of the team for 2 years. The players looked up to me when they were down, had problems, or lacked confidence. It felt special that I could impact a person that much just in a few words, “Rodrigo, you are much better than how you are playing” or “Aaron you’re one of the best keepers I have ever seen.” Simple stuff like that would make a difference in their playing. I could go on and on about it. One of the most important lessons I got from playing here is that, one can’t do everything themselves at one point they’ll need help. This is from the fact I would try to do things myself sometimes, and when my teammates would help me it would go much smoother. This will benefit me later in life because the “Do it myself” mentality I had out on the field I had off it as well. I have always been like that. However, after my last season I know the power of doing work together. I will always reach out for help when I can in order to get things
I chose to play another year of recreational soccer, making sure to come back the next year to prove a point that I can put in the work and give myself the best opportunity to make the top team. Everyday after school, I would head to the fields and practice every aspect of my game. I would arrive an hour early to every practice, and I would leave an hour after practice. Day in and day out, I worked diligently on my fitness. For a year, I stopped at nothing to give myself the best chance I could to reach my goal. Motivated after that dissapointing tryout, nothing could stop me from doing my best. Standing on a different field, one year later, tryouts began. I was determine to produce my best performance. Two hours later, every player stood single file. Coincidentally, I was the first person called up; the coach informed me that I made the top team. However, this team played for a different club than the one I tried out for last year. This team competed at a much higher level. Not only did I make the team, but I gained the knowledge and appreciation for hard work and dedication. People rarely receive everything they want; however, they can always put in their best effort to provide themselves the best opportunity at obtaining what they
Some get to lead, and some get to follow. Some get to change the world, while some observe. Efficient leadership is the pillar that has hold humanity’s exponential success. Football, in today’s world is hold as a rather barbaric sport. Many retired athletes have suffered irreversible head trauma, or in worst cases, death. In my experience these are all worth it since football will reward any player with the basic instincts of leadership. As the defensive captain in a struggling team I did not only struggled with the misery of a depleted confidence from my teammates, but my own. We got so used to the putrid taste of defeat that we forgot about winning. The season was about as good as over, and there had not been a game close to being won. Having
In football, our coaching staff drilled into our minds that it [football] is nothing more than a stepping stone. Furthermore, it helped me to develop characteristics that will benefit me all throughout my adult life. It taught me to be honest, patient, loyal, dedicated, decent, and how to work hard. It showed me that in order to perform at the best that I could be, I would need to choose what offered the best result. That result may not have shown immediately, but it always came. It showed me that much was required of me, such as sufficient grades and following training policies, before I could be given my chance to