Van Gogh once said “your profession is what you’re put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling”. That is what nursing is to me. A passion that started early in life. During my senior year in high school, I completed the nursing assistant course over a holiday break in order to begin working as a certified nursing assistant at a local hospital and nursing home. I continued serving others, in this capacity, while I pursued higher education earning my Bachelors of Science in Nursing from Clarkson College. After graduation, I began my career as a Registered Nurse at Sacred Heart Hospital. Over the last nine years at Sacred Heart, my experience grew as a staff nurse on a Cardiology Step-down Unit, …show more content…
I currently work as a wound ostomy specialist for the hospi-tal. I desire to continue to grow as a nurse and professional. I am now ready to advance my career again and become an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. In each position I’ve held, I have taken away a skill-set that has helped to mold me into the professional I am today. I have identified that there is a great need, in the Acute Care setting, for Acute Care Nurse Practitioners that can provide comprehensive and holistic care to the critically ill. According to Nursing and Health Sciences, hospital-based nurse practitioners influence team function, as well as facilitate advanced patient care, provide leadership and education as well as implement unit specific re-search. With my knowledge of the intensive care setting as well as my knowledge of pressure ul-cers, pressure ulcer prevention, wound management and advanced wound healing I feel that I would be a great asset to the profession as well as the hospital-based team. Once graduated, I plan to work in the Acute Care Setting, most likely in a specialty such as General
I am applying for the position of Nurse Extern at your facility and I meet the requirements set by your facility. I am in the process of earning my nursing degree and I will be graduating in December 2016. This position will help me gain the experience needed to take a step into the professional nursing world. This hands-on experience will be essential in helping me prepare myself to work as a nurse in the future.
Factors contributing to the application of a master's program in nursing are to intellectually challenge myself, broaden my scope of practice and comprehension as a registered nurse. I recently graduated with my bachelors in nursing and have worked as a registered nurse for close to seven years. I became a registered nurse to help people. I feel my nursing career has rewarded me personally each and everyday. When someone tells me "thank you" and appreciates my kindness and understanding I leave work feeling fulfilled. I would like the opportunity to continue to feel this way by enhancing my understanding of medicine. By becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner, I would be able to bridge between being a nurse and a physician. I would be able
Your motivation for pursuing a career in the MSN specialty for which you are applying
In 2003 during the last semester of nursing school, my life was devastated as my ex-husband was arrested as a serial rapist. This was overbearing and I thought this as being impossible to recover from. A breaking point came as I approached a red light deciding whether to deliberately run my minivan into oncoming traffic with my two young children to end our lives. Only days later, I once again felt that I was at the lowest point in my life as the reality of this event truly hit during a medical-surgical examination.
At this moment in time I am unsure of the nursing role that I am seeking, I am learning more about family nurse practitioner and acute care nurse practitioner as the days go by. Each field has its benefits, and whether I choose to go with FNP or Acute care I know that I will be making a positive difference in the field of nursing. Although I am a little bit unsure at this time, I feel that I am leaning more towards acute care. I love the fact that a nurse practitioner can work in many different specialties like being a nurse practitioner midwife, to working in the emergency department or even working at a clinic in a rural area, the possibilities for nurse practitioners are endless and I am very grateful to be in this program. Working at the hospital provides exposure to many different ailments, and being able to focus on one specific ailment and treat it is where my interest is in. I find the cardiac system to be complex and interesting, arterial lines, chest tubes, and hemodynamics are very interesting to me.
As a native Mainer, I have adopted the mentality that all things worthwhile require hard work. Growing up on the rocky, briny coast taught that lobster shells must be cracked, fiddleheads must be plucked from their bristly nest in the cold spring earth, and blueberries are easier picked when you are young and closer to the ground. Maine is a difficult state, but not without rewards. Becoming a Nurse Practitioner through USM's options program will also prove challenging and intense, with the lifelong reward of a career that has meaning and value to me.
The tasks of a nurse fascinates me; I have had several opportunities to observe nurses in hospitals and I find their work intriguing. I have always been interested in the health field and performing the jobs of a medical professional. Ever since the age of twelve, I have known I wanted to attend a university and pursue a career in the health field. I have always had an interest in my science courses, specifically biology and chemistry and have excelled in these areas. I want to be able to receive the best education possible and make my parents and community proud. I wish to do more for my community than just being a typical nurse and I will be able to do more by becoming a nurse practitioner.
Nursing had never been in my passion when I was younger because the image of a nurse in a white uniform holding a tray full of loaded syringes, frightened me. To me the nurses were ruthless individuals who made the children cry with injections. However a nice, gentle, and sympathetic nurse who took care of me when I was hospitalized with a foot fracture, changed my opinions about the nurses. I realized that nursing is a profession which provides care for the ailing and needy people. My qualities that are with me right up until today were instilled by my Indian origin and Christian faith. These qualities add to my perspective and philosophy of nursing. My passion for
Going back to when I was a novice nurse, I was nervous, scared, afraid of making medication error, charting errors or fail to recognized patients worsening symptoms. These fears, made me vigilant, focused and kept me on my toes at all times. No matter which part of nursing I ended up as I grew up the from medical surgical nursing to stepdown unit nursing to intensive care nursing, I felt those fears in every step of my growth and they helped me be a better nurse for my pateints. Today, I am in the advanced practitioner program to become a nurse practitioner who is responsible for: interviewing, assessing, diagnosing, counseling and treating patients. To provide safe and quality healthcare, I am expected to have good critical thinking and decision making abilities (Maten-Speksnijder, Grypdonck, Pool, & Streumer, 2012). while I can recognize clinically deteriorating patients and recommend treatments, I am now responsible for providing treatments. I am now recognizing that facts about being not only responsible for the patient, but also to provide safe care that keeps the patient out of the hospital and out of the ICU. Knowing these facts, I am yet again, faced with the fears of my limited clinical practice knowledge as a practitioner. The amount of information that I have received and learned during this clinical rotation was both exciting and overwhelming at the same time, because I realized as a novice student nurse practitioner (NP), the limited depth of
As an acute care nurse practitioner I hope to utilize my experience as an Intensive Care Unit nurse along with clinical knowledge and skills acquired through a graduate level program to provide the highest quality patient care. In my current role, I place high value on patient-family centered care and advocacy as well as commitment to lifelong learning. I have built my nursing career upon these values. I am excited to begin the journey of becoming an acute care nurse practitioner and to further my education and expand my scope of practice in the field of critical care, for which I have already developed a passion.
It is not a crime to dream. Every individual sets high exceptions for what career they want. Some dream of becoming the President of the United States of America, a scientist, or even a therapist. I want a career where I can make an impact on the world. My whole life revolves around wanting to work in the medical field. My dream is becoming a nurse practitioner. I want to help care for people, their families, and to work in the field where everyday is different. I want to hold the family members hands and tell them that everything is alright. I not only want to make a difference in the lives of my patients, i also hope to make a difference in the nursing and medical field in general. to achieve the dream of becoming a nurse practitioner, I must drop the habits that hold me back and slow me down right now. Bad habits not only slow my progress my habits but also keep me from moving forward. Giving up too soon, my lack of focus, and my perfectionism hold me back in everyday life.
Tell us why you decided to apply to the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, share with us the academic, extracurricular, or research opportunities you would take advantage of as a student. If applicable, provide details of any circumstance that could have had an impact on your academic performance and/or extracurricular involvement.
Life’s too short to wait and see what’s next, so let’s dive in and see my future. Many seniors often worry about tending a college after high school graduation. Just last week I started my senior year and I’m starting to get really excited. When I graduate in May, I plan on going to Hondros Community College in Columbus, Ohio to be a nurse practitioner. As I start college in the fall, there will be many setbacks, fears and people who motivate me.
After going through a lot of trial and error in my career, I have decided that I want to pursue being a Registered Nurse. Many things have led me to this career choice, including personal and financial gain. I have tried many other occupations and educational programs and none of them have fulfilled me like I believe nursing will. It has taken me a long time to get to this point and I often joke that I finally know what I want to be when I grow up. I will tell you about my journey and what I hope to gain in my future.
Caring for others has always been a passion of mine, and becoming a nurse has always been my dream. While my dream has turned reality, I can say that nursing has blessed me with the opportunity to not only be a servant to those in my community, but it has also allowed me to be of some comfort to patients and their loved ones during their darkest and most vulnerable moments. Nursing offers a variety of opportunities, where the only restrictions are the ones we set for ourselves. As for myself, all things are possible, for if I want it, I strongly believe it’s already mine. The depths that I will go to reach the latitude of success that I so desire is boundless.