
I 'm Black Not African American

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I’m black not African American
My research question is: Does the term African American offends heritages that are classified within that label/category? For some time now, there’s been a battle about the term African America, whether is suitable for all black races in America. I do not think it is. The term leaves out other black heritages in America that usually would go into that label/category.
The term “black” dates to the 1960s and 1970s and the civil rights movement. The Black Power movement advocated strongly for the use of “black” to replace the outdated “negro,” and many Americans of African ancestry started to embrace the term. In the 1980s, “African American” began to see common usage, and the term quickly became very popular. The argument for not using “black” is that it is a term, which refers purely to skin color, recognizing the fact that people from Africa come in a variety of shades and hues. The argument for using “black” also allows people to distinguish between Americans with slave ancestors, who may not have a close connection with Africa, and recent immigrants from Africa. This term also includes Americans of slave ancestry who immigrated from the Caribbean, as these individuals may feel more closely connected to places like Haiti or Jamaica than Africa (
I was born in a town called Liancourt in Artibonite, Haiti. I moved to America when I was six years old. For the most part, growing up I felt I could relate to African Americans. After

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