
IKEA Case Study

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IKEA is a business that designs, produces, and sells a furniture to the worldwide market. The company was founded in 1940s in Sweden by Ingvar Kampard (Milestones, n.d.). IKEA brand has been known by customers and become to the world’s largest furniture company. In 2016 IKEA sales increased by 7.9% and total sales amounted to €34.2 billion. IKEA stores are in 28 countries and more than 340 stores. Also, it has an online shopping available in 14 countries (IKEA Group, 2017). A good perspective of IKEA founder has driven the company to be accepted in the marketplace. Kampard has used the word “together” for inspiring the company and IKEA employees to work in the same way. Several reasons have built IKEA more achievement and managed the global environment in terms of operating business, saving cost, managing employees, and expanding IKEA in a new country. A good vision of the company is an initial way for driving the business. IKEA vision is focused to create a better everyday life for the many people (About IKEA, n.d.). Its vision generates the idea of product that should be a good quality and an affordable cost. Satisfying customer is a main key of IKEA design that focuses on understanding people’s needs and dreams at home (IKEA Group, 2017). It is a strategy to manage the global environment of IKEA. Moreover, employees are another factor of the operation that brings IKEA to success. By wording “together” that use for the business. All employees must work an own duty and

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