
IT BTEC 3 UNIT 9 Assignment 2010

Decent Essays

BTEC National Certificate/Subsidiary Diploma in IT Portfolio Evidence for Unit 9 – Computer Networks (2010) You MUST provide coursework for ALL of the ‘P’ tasks or you will not pass this piece of work. To gain a Merit you must, satisfactorily, complete all of the ‘P’ and ‘M’ tasks and gain a Distinction you must, satisfactorily, complete all of the ‘P’, ‘M’ and ‘D’ tasks. The assessment grid attached to this piece of coursework will help you. Section 1: Networks P1/P2/M1 You are working as an IT consultant for the Senior Management team of a large comprehensive school. The management team has asked for information regarding different types of networks as they are considering upgrading all of the IT systems within the school. You …show more content…

Section 4: Securing a Network P6/M3 P6 For a given network demonstrate that you can make the network secure. M3 Give a PowerPoint presentation that reports on the business risks of insecure networks and how they can be minimised. Grading Criteria To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to: To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to: To achieve a distinction

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