
Ice Cream Design Video : Rationale

Satisfactory Essays

Ice cream Design Video – Rationale.
Concepts Demonstrated:
Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills
Investigating ACTDEP005
Generating ACTDEP006
Producing ACTDEP007
Evaluating ACTDEP008
Collaborating, Managing ACTDEP009
Knowledge and Understanding Food and Fibre Production ACTDEK003

How the video supports learning of the concept.
The Design and Technology curriculum naturally conducive to a project based learning approach. The Design – Apple Mac Video (Sambaza2, 2011) really inspired me to recognize the design process.
The video involves a project devised to solve a problem of real life interest to children, engaging and motivating them (needing a new flavour developed). The video illustrates the “big picture” of the design and production process, step by step touching on each of the content descriptors.
Although this video supports the concepts above, it also covers interdisciplinary content particularly in maths (measuring, volume, cost of ingredients, graphs), and English (researching and writing recipes). The ice cream factory manager interview highlights the food production process, enhancing real world relevance. I wanted to model the idea that resources can be members of the community, not just school based.

How the video could be used in an individual lesson and where it might fit within a unit sequence.
The video is used as an “entry event” that engages student interest and sparks questioning (Larmer and Mergendolor,

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