
Identification Szymborska

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The endless altering matters of society remain controversial among its many spectators; nevertheless, Wislawa Szymborska views these matters as vacuous dictations. Szymborska confronts her perspective of society through her recurrent theme of mockery and wit, in which cultivates a comical aspect of her poetry. The comical aspects throughout some of Szymborska’s poetry exploits the changing standards of society, the dictation that society places on an individual, the false sense of comfort that is provided by society, and the true state of oblivion that society resides in. This scrutinization of society remains within an underlying tone of ridicule and aversion, which is conveyed through Szymborska’s a vast amount of devices, such as juxtaposition, …show more content…

This state of denial can be prominently depicted within Szymborska’s poem, “Identification.” The poem presents a chronological experience of a woman's developing emotions as she rejects the fact that her husband had past away. The false sense of security resides within this poem, as the repetition of “it’s good you came,” presumably attempts to formulate a positive motif throughout the morbid poem(1, 17, 23). The comfort of others conceals the genuine emotion of loneliness, as the death of a loved one creates a false sense of reality; therefore, the constant reminder that someone else was with the recipient of the bad news, reminds them that they are not completely alone in the world. Furthermore, the sense of denial is continued through the hope of objects just being ordinary, such as, “ a scrap of shirt, a watch, [and] a wedding ring.” Szymborska uses this asyndeton in order to create a sense of irony, as the objects become more specific as the “names on that ring” (10); nevertheless, this creates a false sense of comfort for the aspect that anyone could own these objects, in which portrays the yearning for a confirmation that the speaker’s loved one was not affiliated with this tragedy. Szymborska’s use of the euphemism, “rubber sleeping bag,” facilitates the endeavor to maintain the attempted positive motif, despite the “rubber sleeping bag” referring to a body bag (24). The body bag provides a false sense of a lighthearted connotation of a “sleeping bag” to being the cruel reality of death. Throughout “Identification,” Szymborska mocks the oblivion and denial of the woman despite the morbid context of the poem. Through this method Szymborska further implies that one should face reality. Precisely as society should not be dictated without truly analyzing the true intention of

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