
Images Of Prison Life And Correctional Officers

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Within society there are an array of misinterpret images of prison life and correctional officers. This portrayal of them has change through time from popular media. A clear majority of popular media such as writing and film can be attributed to the one-dimensional image. These media outlets are then taken as primary sources and therefore society’s view of prison life and correctional officers. These popular media outlets are guilty when it comes to portraying a lifestyle that seem so real, but far from the truth. Within these misconceptions gathered there is the formation of the belief that all prison guards or correctional officers are this ruthless hierarchy figure in this correctional system, designed to make the life of a prisoner complete hell for those entering the system. Within the numerous portrayals of the correctional system there are a few exceptions. For example, Ted Conover’s “Newjack: Guarding Sing Sing” is an excellent and rare example of the journalists’ firsthand experiences as an undercover trained correctional officer. Ted Conover, spent a year working as a "newjack" — the inmate term for a newly-minted New York correctional officer — in New York 's Sing Sing prison. Far from the popular belief portrayed in the media the role of a correctional officer is to be responsible for the supervision, care, custody, control and to only use physical restraint, when necessary on the inmates. In addition to that correctional officers endure a lot, in the since that

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