
Imitation Of Life Film Analysis

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“Imitation of Life” was an American romantic drama movie which was shown in 1959. There were two families which both only had a mother and her daughter, in the movie. Lora was an actress who tried to become famous in Broadway. Susie, Lora’s daughter, fell in love with the same guy that Lora loved. Annie, a black woman, was Lora’s maid. Sarah Jane was Annie’s daughter who never admitted herself was black. The stories of two families were tragic, and movie highlighted the problems of racial discrimination and single-family. I’m really interested in the topic of single-family. Therefore I’m going to use the semiotics method to analysis the reasons that caused single-families.
At first, I’m discussing reasons caused single-families from historical aspect. Usually, there are farther, mother, and some children in one family, and each one of them has the same status. However, male …show more content…

“During the Depression, unemployment, lower wages, and the demands of needy relatives tore at the fabric of family life. Many Americans were forced to share living quarter with relatives, delay marriage, and postpone having children”(Digital History). People will lose their jobs during the bad economic period, but they still need money to live. They need money to pay children’s tuition, insurance, and daily fees. If they don’t have money, the economic stress will lead depression and conflicts, and arguing will be around families. For ending, families will break up. In movie “Imitation of Life”, the background is economic crisis. Annie, the black single mother, is a homeless, and needs to raise her child. In my opinion, Annie represents for a group of people who is homeless and has children to raise. However, Annie is the lucky one, because she has a kindly master Lora. However, to consider about other homeless, if they don’t have a good master or never meet a kindly person, they will sleep on street for long

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