
Immigration Happy Path Essay

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Immigration – Happy path?

Day in and day out, immigrants work hard to achieve permanent residency or citizenship in the U.S. and live in constant fear. While some Americans understand that the immigration strengthens the American society by attracting the intellectual and entrepreneurs, others are taking it to social media to express their humor or anti-immigration feelings saying immigrants are a threat to Americans customs and values. A few are even attacking immigrant groups with foul language and violence. One such incident occurred just a few months ago in February, 2017. Patrons at a Kansas bar kicked Adam W. Purinton, a US citizen and a Kansas resident, out because he was questioning two Indian bar patrons’ immigration status and throwing racial slurs at them. Angry Purinton returned to the bar with a handgun that same night and shot at the two Indians, killing one and wounding the other. Later in court, the indictment accused Purinton of shooting the two men “because of their actual and perceived race, color, religion and national origin.” Not even two weeks later, an Indian-born man was outside his house in Seattle when an attacker shouted, “Go back to your own country” before shooting him in the arm. Incidents like these are leaving many Indian immigrants worried for themselves and their families. As an Indian-born immigrant myself, I feel the need to address the laborious immigration process, and some underlying struggles the immigrants face.

According to Pew

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